Sowing salads now for fresh, young leaves in a matter of weeks is a great way to make the most of what’s left of the growing season.
Cut-and-come-again salad leaves are quick and easy to grow and small enough to fit into almost any container, making them perfect for gardeners with limited time or space.
In this short video, follow our step-by-step guide to enjoy fresh salads direct from your garden in next to no time.
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If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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Great video! Very well done!
I'm growing Butter Crunch lettuce. So good!
Counting the days till it is cool enough to grow. Still in the 90's with heat index of 108 degrees farenhieth (sp?). Thanks for sharing. God Bless and take care.
If you are on the second floor and all you have is a black roof-top for your patio, here's a tip: the black roof-top heats up, so it's great to warm up that soil in the pot in the early spring and get an earlier start (bring the pots in for the night in case of frost)! But, once the days get significantly warmer, make sure to lift your container off the black roof-top, otherwise the soil in the container will become too warm for greens to grow.
Looks simple and easy enough… fun for the kiddies too!
Good info. Salad greens are the one thing I grow all year long. I've even discovered a few no bolt lettuces that have done well for me in 80 plus degree weather. Getting ready to pick my winter greenhouse greens.
Hi, I'm interested in growing vegetables for my personal consumption. I've always loved the idea of self sustaining myself. However, I do live in Indonesia, with hot humid condition and sadly my house is near a highway with plenty of dust around. I wonder what kind of suggestions you can give me? I have done some basic gardening but either some dies from disease or insect infestations, or some just died outright, maybe I have a red thumb instead of green thumb… Maybe I'm not too invested on gardening yet since I work at 3 places and still have some higher education to go through. Anywho, nice channel, subscribed and probably binge watch all of your videos.
Hey what different kinds of seeds did you throw into there? I wanna try this out!
What kind of watering can did you use when watering the seeds? It looks very effective and I may invest in one for my garden.
Great vid, thanks. Can you do more on container growing? We have quite a small garden with very poor quality soil (heavy clay). Containers are the way forward for us. Thanks
What brand of seeds did you used?
Great video
you make it look so simple. what kind of soil have you used?
my adenium plant is not opening up the flower buds, what could be the problem. thanks for replying
you have used a large deep pot wouldnt shallow be better ?
Just discovered your channel, binge watching because every video is so wonderful
my salad is turning out really bad. it turns white and the old leafes die. now they even have holes. they are also soft and only new ones are crisp but they turn brown really fast. i tried thinning them out and adding nutrition. it got even worse.
Alton Browns cousin
Thank you for the quick, simple explanation…
Great video, thanks!
Дырки сверлить НЕ НАДО ! Я сам сначала это сделал, это глупо, салат любит влагу и у него короткий цикл всего 18 дней – корни не успеют сгнить ! А если земля будет сухая сверху он засохнет, потому что у него корни в глубину очень долго идут
Hi, how do you prevent slugs/pests?