An update on the progression of the food forest, and some information regarding growing one.
VIDEO: Forest Gardening, A Functional Design
An update on the progression of the food forest, and some information regarding growing one.
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Why is your thumb always bruised?
The food forest is looking amazing, James!
Hey James great video! i'm curious, how do you seed your garden in the spring with all that mulch? Do you move it aside or put top soil over them on top of the mulch?
Did you take a PDC?
I am coming to the same conclusion James. If you don't have a good foundation it is hard to build anything. God bless you brother. I'm off to work on my foundation for next year.
Fantastic garden James – the growth it's had seems phenomenal. Thanks for the gardening tips too.
fantastic garden
I agree, the mulch layer is key. The quickest way to kick the system off and yet it still takes years. I need to get more chop and drop as the mulch seems to go faster than I can lay it. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it hasn't left my property (mostly). Looking good James, it's nice when the most effort comes in harvesting and not in the growing.
Thank-you for sharing James…the garden looks great!! A foundation, that is what I am working on…and learning so much from you and the others who so kindly share their experience with us. Again, thanks!
Thanks for your videos. Looking good there!!!
awesome man….love your videos!!
thanks for sharing, your forest garden looks beautiful, I wish I can start gardening soon
You mentioned that you had a good supplier for bareroot trees. Where do you get them from??
Just wanted to say that i like your vdeos and how u pour yourself in them and in the garden
Got to watch the fingers!
Love your attitude, and the Christian garden is where I find peace as well.