Part 6 of our three-week road trip across northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). After leaving Waskaganish, we struck a bit of misfortune and blew two tires on the remote gravel roads. In an attempt to make the best of a bad situation, we used the delay as an opportunity to make one of our favorite meals in our tiny van kitchen: Tacos!
VIDEO: GGC – 9 – Two blown tires and Making tacos in our van kitchen
Part 6 of our three-week road trip across northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). After leaving Waskaganish, we struck a bit of misfortune and blew two tires on the remote gravel roads. In an attempt to make the best of a bad situation, we used the delay as an opportunity to make one of our favorite meals in our tiny van kitchen: Tacos!
Great video. Love the tire joke lol…tacos looked good : )
If you want to it tacos you need to make a salsa! Hi from México and good luck. Tomate, chile, cebolla, ajo, gotas de limón, cilantro y sal al gusto, poco de aceite y todo al satén. Saludos
taco tuesday…. ay caramba
I love your videos! Keep em coming!
That was something with your tires. I would have been real happy to have made your wise decision with buying those two new tires just before your second flat. Your troubles would have been so much worse if you hadn't done that.. Excellent move. It is really fun traveling with you two.
Good vids
Pretty unique, stylish…and informative….thanks
so your trips ended or still going on?? since the time i got to your channel watching all of your videos…. interesting….
a happy loving couple! iam from Malaysia! safe rving!
That is crazy 2 tires in 24hrs. I must be lucky then, I been driving taxis, limo's and semi trucks all my life and never had a blown tire yet and I got well over 2 million miles under my belt, also no accident's and tickets. Well except couple of parking tickets.
Stay safe and thank you for the awesome video's.
I wish I could give this 3 thumbs up!
"Be happy wherever you are, because everything always works out."
Lovely. =) <3
Just discovered you guys. You both are adorable. Love your smiles and attitudes.
Hi Guys, nice videos, keep them up. Sorry about your two tires in a day. If it's any consolation, we popped two tires at the same time: Although it was easy to plug them.
I love you guys but the tired bed joke sucks
what an adventure! good decision having the new tires.
I appreciate puns, that was a pretty good one in my opinion.
U guys are so positive! Love it. But u need some real meat
Learn to read the ( DOT ) on all tires…..Market Place did a show on sears selling 5 year old tires that were new.
Tits don't mean a thing when it comes to tires.
The new law from Europe is that you can't sell a vehicle with old tires beyound 5 years I believe.
I met a guy at the GM dealership that said he rides his motorcycle on 19 !!! year old tires … counter the Market PLace deaths and findings.
I replied JESUS LOVES YOU and your 19 year old tires.
i gotta say.. funny shit lol ur joke and all of it nust funny lol
i gotta say.. funny stuff lol ur joke and all of it nust stuff funny lol
shit happens lol
Is it a Canadian thing to call the road 'pavement'? In my UK mind, pavement is what pedestrians walk on at the side of the road and the road is tarmac – when not covered in gravel! Might not be factually correct but that's how I think of it.
Like you said, Paula, go with the flow. Keep exploring.
Thank you you two !
You guys have the best attitude. Nice!
Who ever changes the tire ,gets to have the other Fan the Flies. growing up we used SSS (Skin SO Soft) from AVON for misquitoes 3.500 species they hate SSS. n Florida we have near the Beach area No-See-um`s it works for them too. I think it has eucayptus in it.
dont go out here without 10 ply tire.