Today on Allotment Grow How I pick my first French Climbing Beans of the year and I also try to stay on top of the weeds.
“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
I can see a lot of benefit in children learning where food comes from. We used to include gardening at school in the 3rd form where for something like a term we had about 6 gardening classes. They were included as part of our craft classes. Obviously things have changed now, but I do think that having classes as introductions to technical skills is a good thing. No doubt health and safety would have issues with most of the things I did as a child. Great video mate and hopefully a great discussion kicking off.
That education thingy…good idea but I don't think it will fly. The farther we get from the farm and more we get into tech. the less people care. Maybe field trips to try to working farms or allotments to spike an interest in at least a handful of them? Nice spuds & beans by the way. That's the good thing about raised beds. I haven't had to hoe once all years. Oh…I could use another rain dance if you have a tick or two. Thanks for the post… Randy
none here in New Zealand but some basic gardening would be a great idea & as the kids get older offer as an more in deapth option class
I went to a Secondary Modern School that had its own vegetable gardens We had one hour lesson a week
infant schools in Manchester are introducing mini gardens/ allotments for the pupils.
Awesome update thank you for sharing have a blessed weekend
The children could learn that eating Carrots is healthier than sweets. Less visits to the dentist too. I am all for it. We do have school visits to our allotment site here in London. It's amazing what the kid say and do. Nice veg for dinner to night. Great to hear your views as always. Cheers Patick
We went to the allotments on Sunday and the police were giving out leaflets and bits and one police lady wondered what some plants were lots growing up canes – they were runner beans – I guess you don't know unless you grow them or have been told what they are
Your Sunflower looks so tall and brilliant
Doggone blight. I was hoping it wouldn't spread to your other spuds. Those you harvested sure looked nice, though. I will be at your place at six sharp and I always dress casual these days but I'm afraid I do not have the Wellingtons. I don't mind coming in the back door.
You mean to let me carrots don't grow on a bush! Next you'll be wanting us to believe spaghetti doesn't grow on trees. Shocking news Adam.
Teaching to grow food and putting an emphasis on compulsory, growing leads to people being independent which the powers that be don't want. All they want to do is poison the soil and water through Fracking especially over here in the desolate North so forcing us to buy bottled water and eat chemical riddled cancer Alzheimer's causing GMO and processed foods to keep big pharma in business whilst killing off the population at the same time, then charge people a tax for being fat caused by the shit they force in your gut, and the push to keep the population sat on their arses Rant Over