February 20, 2025

VIDEO: City to Country~Top 10 Homesteading Tips~

Patara goes over her brief run down of the top ten best tips when shifting from urban to rural homesteading. What should you consider or plan for and think about? Find out here! Thanks for watching!
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: City to Country~Top 10 Homesteading Tips~

  1. Very good video and now i know want i will do ..thank you..!! i will like to have your way to live when i get the time now i working,but i love to grow my food,so i know i will have only my garden .

  2. Thanks Patara. Some important points you made – …being prepared on a homestead means LOTS of things.
    It also seems that being prepared to undertake homesteading means LOTs of things too. Seems one of the biggest causes of failure in homesteading is about making wrong decisions up front regarding how to transition and what to transition into. People too often just follow others and fail to ask themselves important questions assessing themselves and their situation. We're in the midst of a how to homestead series on 4 DECISION PHASES, just getting to the details and questions in Episode 3. The core is that one has to KNOW THEMSELVES and THEIR SITUATION, and from there learning, and planning phases come in.
    Ya just got me cranked up!! Anyway – really enjoy your vids, and I sure think your videos have likely helped many 'steaders!

  3. thank you. that was a real inspiration. it's daunting when looking at it as a whole rather than a step-by-step process for someone like me who has not homesteaded but knows that is where life has pointed them. i've gardened and had cats and dogs. i have worked all my adult life in food service, cleaning and maintenance but find myself physically disabled at 55. my debts are paid off and i have a nest egg to get me started without a mortgage. i've been downsizing and am starting to look for property. i know that this is the way to get my health back and regain control of my finances and freedom. and this is my legacy to my sons as well, because there just aren't the same opportunities available to them that i've had. my physical abilities and skills are limited but im determined to do this. i know it will be easier with the help of people like you who are so generously sharing their time and knowledge.

  4. Hey ……. I watched that video about cleaning your barn and I want you make a video on how your barn stalls are constructed . I like that the rails are set in betweent the post instead of nailed to the outside …… please show how you did that .

  5. I had a hard time paying attention because your chickens were cracking me up the way they were dashing around. My chickens are endless entertainment, as well, and yours look pretty happy.

  6. Hello from the tiny mountain homestead in Bulgaria. I am so greatful that you took the time to explain all this to us. I started out with 3 garden patches 2 dogs and 3 cats. Then came my first meat and compost rabbit . Now i am getting 2 goats and then come the chickens and rooster. your advice is awesome. Thank you again! Blessings to you my dear. I wish I had good neighbors like you.

  7. I am very happy that she said safety. There really are some odd people that live out in the country, trust me, I have seen them when I live out there. Trust me, you do need a wood stove. It will heat the house and will cook your food at the same time. We did loose our electric in the winter time and used the wood heater all the time. Learn to can and build you stock yard. You should have atleast, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but you should have 6 month of food storage. OMG, at 8:30, I just about died. I used to work at Weigles. Know you neighbors, she is very right about that. You may just need help one day from them and if you don't know them, why would they do anything for you? We did the bardering system and it works. Our neighbor would use our barn to dry his tobacco and would plow the garden for us. One hand washes the other. She is very right. get your kids involved. If you get them involved, you will teach them some very valuable tips. I know that most of you are thinking way? Well, if we go into a depression, again, your kids will know that things they need and the ones that don't, they will die.

  8. There has been a whole other show going on behind you : ) Love your attitude and your list is great. One more reason to be friends with your neighbors. So nice to have them when you've haven't been off your place for 2 weeks and you need to talk to someone you aren't related to or a critter.

  9. What is the current county government stance on off grid living? Where is a desirable area near your area or knowledge of – if you were to start out now?

  10. I have watched countless videos of tips for city folk to become homesteaders…. yours by far is the most REAL…. glad I came across your channel….

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