Making money is not hard if you do not look at business in a traditional way. By using abundance within a permaculture mindset, money should not be an issue. $30 to $120 an hour is not that hard.
VIDEO: Permaculture how to make $120 an hour
Making money is not hard if you do not look at business in a traditional way. By using abundance within a permaculture mindset, money should not be an issue. $30 to $120 an hour is not that hard.
you're right there's money laying around everywhere
The problem is in the definition of capitalism the newer generations have very little understanding of what I call simple or direct capitalism and continually confuse it with corporative capitalism that knows no boundaries , morality and is at its heart necrofilic. Thank you for the wonderfull ideas you have given me to help dig myself out of poverty in my old age
Thinking outside the box. It takes some effort but is great when it clicks. I like giving people more value than they would get at the stores. Win win.
sounds fascinating. who is buying this? and why? for what use? I would love to get ideas on how I can use my natural environment on my 10 acres of forest to pot up and sell plants … what type of plants and who wants them?
Monkeygrass is kind of a true example. Almost all retail nurseries sell in in little 2 inch pots. In is a very cool natural boarder to a bed, it is so thick that it will cut off yard grasses. Very thick dense root mass. You see this a lot on old southern bed boarders in gardens. My chicken and ducks do not eat it.
Just subscribed today. Thanks for your entrepreneurial advice videos. It's one of the least addressed yet most vital aspects of any truly sustainable lifestyle.
well said thank you
Hello from Deborah in Summerville, SC. Just discovered your videos and I am so impressed with your clever ideas on making money from what you have living around your home. I too have border grass in mass of several different varieties. My back yard is covered in ivy of at least five different types that I planted, in my ignorance, which has become in invasive nightmare. Normally, I pull it out and kill it. Beautiful spiderwort plants and crocosmia are coming up by the hundreds in my flower beds. This past summer I started learning to air layer fruit trees and have had great success. No more pruning and putting healthy branches in the compost. Years ago I received two tea plants which have made "babies" by the hundreds. Growing tea plants is not mentioned in any permaculture videos I have seen. Most Southerners love tea and in Zone 8 and above can grow their own. Thank you so much for setting my imagination free. I'll update if more ideas come to my mind.
Thanks for the tips & well said!
thanks a lot, your video really inspiring
like you can do rasaberry plants you can get for free
You're right that we don't apply what we learn evenly across all systems when it comes to ourself.
Your Clint from Wolfernation, the bobcat trapper.
I'm thinking I should do this with my Wine Berry, great ideas here!
Permaculture: finding those hacks, those connections between systems and abstractions!
I have hundreds of volunteer black cherry trees and would like to know if I can pit them up for sale
more great stuff. your duck system ideas look similar to Jack Spirko. do you use only kiddie pools?