March 12, 2025

VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Pests on the Plot

This week on Allotment Grow How – I take a wander up to the plot and deal with a few pests that have been eating my vegetables.

“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Pests on the Plot

  1. Nice vid.  I didn't use bug protection this year and paid a heavy price for it.  I ordered bug netting from over there for next season  The only thing I'm going to be able to pick from that brassica family is Brussels Sprouts.  Don't know if you realize it.  But grapes only produce from new growth.  A suggestion would be to cut that back hard and then try taking control of it.  I'm pulling ours this fall and going with climbing roses in it's stead in the spring.  As always…good job.  Randy

  2. Oh… Those Kale plants…  I dug mine out of two feet of snow in Feb. to harvest leaves.  Don't be in to much of a rush to pull them this fall.  They will last the winter.

  3. Those Caterpillars are terrible creatures. The iron box are very good for holding the posts. Take a few cuttings of the grapes and grow your own in November- sew with rooting powder.

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