March 2, 2025


My most important video yet! No big machinery needed, no advanced watering drip line system, just mimicking the natural system. In my opinion this is the best method for starting a garden.

Music by: Teshuva

Previous video:

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: HOW TO START A GARDEN

  1. Hi James, Thanks for these basic details on how to start one. Its really helpful to see all that u do right from the start and how it progresses. Thanks again.

  2. I just moved out on my own onto a nice piece of land and I want to start a garden. I just don't know where to start lol. But this video definitely helps!

  3. I am opening a small living plat nursery – and sure do thank you for posting this. I like the "forest" idea and will incorporate it into my landscape design.

  4. Do you direct sew all of your seeds or do you start some plants early indoors? Our growing season in NJ is so short. Thank you very much for sharing your insight! Very helpful and inspiring.

  5. hello. I do like your videos. but I see a lot of gaps in your understanding of soil life. If you have never heard of Dr Elane Ingram, I highly recommend her books and teachings. she is the world's formost author on soil biology. she has a book called "soil biology primer" which is a good starting point. you can download it for free on the amazon books app. or its 25 for a hardcopy on amazon. thanks again for the garden tours

  6. Isaiah 32 15 till the Spirit is poured on us from on high,
        and the desert becomes a fertile field,
        and the fertile field seems like a forest. [ the deserts will be fertile when they are as a forest ]

  7. No compost needed? We have a five year old orchard with just grass and are in the process of converting it to a food forest. We just scored a bunch of woodchips but are waiting until we can afford compost. But it'll be great if it's not necessary! LOVE your garden!

  8. Another very good point or connvience to.this style of gardening is you are nought spending time and money building raised beds. Oh I do love my raised boxes but there is a limit as to how much you cang stuff into a boxed area. Your method looks so much more….natural and somehow more alive.
    Thank you James for inspireing us. Got a feeling it will become a matter of survival at some point..

  9. Very inspiring.  It is extremely helpful that you say so specifically what you did…gave the depth of the mulches for the different types of plants.  Nature’s way.  The best guide  🙂

  10. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this process! I've been watching your channel for about 2 years, and slowly starting our garden. But now I'm planning on jumping into a LARGE food forest and utilizing our 5 acres properly, with a dedicated area for an orchard and another for a large vegetable garden. It's currently all grass yard, so I was apprehensive on how to start. This helps immensely! THANK YOU!

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