March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Autumn on The Plot

This week on Allotment Grow How we have a look around the plot, harvest some crops and put the first of the allotment beds to sleep for the winter.

“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Autumn on The Plot

  1. Brussels Sprouts and curly kale is about it bud.  I've some carrots in a planter that I'm putting into the greenhouse but I doubt anything will come from them.  The Beatles did a job on me this fall.  I ordered some bug netting from over there.  The choice for it sucks here in the states.  I'm going to start early with plastic cloches then switch them over to the netting..  Kind of like a multi-purpose cold frame I think.  It's been a lousy year but not from lack of trying.  Thanx for the Vid.  Randy

  2. You will have great and tasty Sprouts and Parsnips for Christmas. Someone told me that if you mix Bananas with the Tomatoes on the window sill, it will help to ripen the Toms. I never tried it. You didn't have a bad year Adam. Good luck with planting the Garlic. All the best , Patrick

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