March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Preserving Herbs: How to Preserve & Store Your Homegrown Herb Cuttings

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Fresh herbs can transform meals into something really special, but many herbs die back in winter so it’s worth preserving your harvest before this happens to ensure a continued supply through to next spring.

Air drying, microwave drying, freezing, and mixing into butter, vinegars or oils are all excellent preserving methods, and easy to do with small or large quantities of herbs.

In this video we’ll show you how to preserve your homegrown herbs without sacrificing any flavour.

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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Preserving Herbs: How to Preserve & Store Your Homegrown Herb Cuttings

  1. These are great suggestions. Some herbs work better with one method than another. We've tried all of these except the microwave. They each have their own "best method".

  2. You didn't mention bay.  We have a large bay bush just outside the kitchen. I've left the leaves to air dry but they go very brittle and never seem to have as much flavour as bought bay leaves.  Any suggestions?

  3. Salted herbs are great too! You can chop a variety of herbs and even add some shredded vegetables, like carrots, then pack in a glass jar in layers of salt. Alternatively, mix the salt with the herbs in a bowl then pack in sterile jars. Add a tablespoon to soups and stews but don't add more salt. I live in Quebec and all Quebec grandmothers keep salted herbs in the fridge!

  4. It's so refreshing to have someone get right to the point and show us how to do something without all the timeless chatter that makes a video last forever. Thanks for all the great tips. I will definitely use them.

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