Part 20 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. After visiting L’Anse aux Meadows, on the northern peninsula of Newfoundland, we returned to the van to warm up and make some lunch. We decided to try some Sweet Potato and Pea Curry that we picked up a few days earlier… from the grocery store discount bin. It was only $2.50, so we weren’t sure what to expect.
VIDEO: GGC – 24 – Van Kitchen: Trying Indian Food from the Discount Bin ($2.50)
Part 20 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. After visiting L’Anse aux Meadows, on the northern peninsula of Newfoundland, we returned to the van to warm up and make some lunch. We decided to try some Sweet Potato and Pea Curry that we picked up a few days earlier… from the grocery store discount bin. It was only $2.50, so we weren’t sure what to expect.
There is that type, Kitchens of India, and another brand, Kohinoor, at Walmart that we really like. Easy to make and if you read the ingredient it has no additives. True, an Indian restaurant should make it better. Last time we went we spent over $80.00 for very small portions and no view like yours. Thanks for the video!
Has a 1/2 million dollar RV sideswipe my $800 truck in a parking lot one time. I told the guy that the paint he left on the side of my truck doubled its value……
PS, need ya to turn in your man card for reading directions…..
what was the name of the dish you guys were having?
We have a lot of good one pot meal – noodle dishes sold in the dollar stores here in the US. Throw a can of chicken or tuna and it makes a pretty good meal.
I saw Twizzlers in the cabinet. I love Twizzlers.
You made me laugh saying. That "butter/margarine" is more "natural". Would 100% natural mean more on a label than just natural? Most people seem to think natural means something and I can't get anyone who say's something is natural to tell me what that means. What was natural about it and what is food that is not natural? I seriously don't know but I hear people say something is natural when it means nothing in reality.
I randomly came across your channel at the beginning of your voyage and I can not thank you guys enough for your content. Nothing like seeing and hearing two happy optimistic people enjoying the beauty of the world after a long day. Keep up the good work and I sincerely hope that you get WAY more views and subscribers because I think a lot of people would enjoy/learn from your lifestyle.
when your on the road anything taste good , that's a lot of rice ,,,,,,great video
What happened to the chili?
Every time we watch your videos we can't help but smile :). We have enjoyed tagging along on your journey. We would like to Thankyou for your services to our Great Country. Thankyou!
Nice! You know you can just pour the packet in a pan and heat it up that way. That's what I do a lot on the beach using my little trangia alcohol stove. Cheers
you 2 are so cute ,i hope you give us more videos soon
you should have saved another bowl by using the serving bowl…. LOL…. save the H2O
Very nice guys. Love it ! More adventures, more, more please ! :-)Cheers,
happy you are back in Ontario; that tour bus when it unloads you both should hop out and pose and tell the tourist of your travels and offer to pose for 5 loons a pic after all they are tourists. thanks for converting the temp from c to f as in the lower colonies we don't do math very well or our english is just plain ole american. but we like you down here and all your videos!
"Not very often you get to see a view like this for lunch"
"Well, unless you live here"
You guys are hilarious! Keep the videos coming…
Don't worry about soap residue on the bag. It will just make ya regular and make it easier to dump the black water tank.
I would like to send you both a bag of dried fish food which we make in our home in india
Do you ever miss your microwave???
I remember the days when there was no microwave. We faired just fine. Ah!! How I long for those simple and MUCH happier days. The days when my children were little and jumping into the raked up leaves and walking to town for an ice cream was so much fun. You two are happy and that's wonderful. Enjoy your youth. It is very fleeting. So go and HAVE FUN:)
wow Yummy ! I am regular visitor of all you videos, in repeat most of the time
nice ….
The large bubble rap taped to the windows help on keeping out the cold and light can come in.
I like the guy but Paula has a really nice voice and is hysterical
Aloo (potato) mutter (green peas) curry with rice or paratha ( flat bread ) is an awesome combo guys.. love it.. BTW new subscriber over here
Those Kitchens of India foil pouches are pretty good – our fave is the "Palak Paneer" pureed spinach with cheese chunks – yum!
I am inspired!, thank for spurring on our own wanderlust and getting us planning our journey (NZ and Aus)
YOU WERE IN THE ARMY?? Tell us that story!!!
I`m really hope you sleep well.