March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Morning Chores with Jess

A quick tour around Jessica and Jeremiah’s homestead as Jess does the morning chores. Chickens, ducks, goats, rabbits, and turkeys and their housing.

Jessica IG: roots_and_refuge

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Morning Chores with Jess

  1. OH MY GOODNESS! That looks so familiar. We started out the same way… doing most things on a shoe string. The piles of wood… all of it. Scott ( Hubby) made many of my things from pallets as well. We had two goats we put in a dog pen and at night we put them on leashes and walked them around the yard so they could graze. We didn't have good fences at that time. Oddly enough, when my first goat passed away, I lost most interest in the goats.. but when my PET goat passed I lose all interest in them. At one time we had 40 of them. Mind you, we live on 3 acres. Your place, like ours has changed so very much. Kudos to you for sticking with it.. many do not. We still have cows and various flying things around here. After I lost my two goats and promptly started selling the rest, I lost interest in most things. Then we started watching you and Living Traditions and I am so excited about it all again. Thank you for breathing life back into an old hand.

    Huge move from being a YUPPY raised in Kansas… owning 6 businesses including a hotel in we lived at in Branson Mo. to moving and living on the beach in Corpus Christi with an orange tree over our pool…. to moving to north Texas raising Goats, cows, chickens etc… Boy! How life does change. ( First husband was a commercial farmer of wheat in Kansas. Just a little background so you understand what a huge impact you have had from discouragement to excitement.

  2. I loved this tour. Had hubby watch with me. We have huge garden and raise hens. We were raising bees until the neighbor across from us saturated the front of their property with Round-Up. Next day our bees were dead and most gone. I had to even run in house to take cover that smell was making me cough hard.

  3. Oh wow wanted to see your beginning videos because me and my grandson ( he is 3) want to start a channel because he loves his farming, we wanted to see how your first videos were. Big big difference in your homestead in a few years.

  4. I try to see all of your videos they are such an inspiration… still not sure how you manage all of the kids, cooking, cleaning, gardening, canning, preserving, dehydrating and still have time to write a book… whoa this is exhausting… well I'm 71 now and time just seem to wiz by but I still get to play in my gardening here on the Southern Oregon Coast, it just takes more time to get it all done…

  5. It's just crazy to see your backyard before you put up the gardens. Your more recent post was about gratitude and how it helps so much to pause and lift up a thank you for all those precious things that are easy to overlook in the business of life. The view of the back of your house when you let your older hens out from your overflow coop is just so inspiring for what is yet to come for you. A ton of work, but like the mystery of a seed sprouting into something so much bigger… I too am starting to see what's not there yet while I enjoy the moments to take in what is already here.

  6. It is great to see you so many jears back. I will watch from the biginning because then you tube will see your are not offline because of the great move!! I hope it will help. But I have one qustion: the rabbits are one iron not on stro ore grass ore stro. Why??? Greating from Inge Noordam (the Netherlands/Europe)

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