July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Regenerative Ranching with High Density Rotational Grazing

​Regenerative ranching changes the paradigm of cattle and range management via biomimicry and a holistic approach. By working with herd animals’ instincts to graze in high density clusters for short durations in rotational patterns, many benefits are derived that work synergistically for the greater good of the herd and the soil.​
Manure is consistently deposited in the pastures as the animals are moved encouraging the symbiotic relationships between the cattle, birds, insects and plants to thrive in a balanced system that supports life.
A diverse use of cover crops provide high quality forage that keep the cattle thriving while improving the pastures with more organic matter and biodiversity. This innovative sustainable ranching approach offers a multitude of benefits that changes the entire conversation on how to manage cattle and other herds in a way that supports healthy ecosystems.

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Regenerative Ranching with High Density Rotational Grazing

  1. Thank you! Are there 4 areas required for rotational grazing only? I assume recovery would take longer and more than four areas would be required…?

  2. That's what i love to see. Shiny, happy, healthy cattle. I don't eat meat much, but i'll eat THAT. Won't eat anything that hasn't had a full, healthy, happy life outside with plenty of variety, as do many people nowadays. Total happyvore. Goes for plants too so no greenhouse hydroponics, sprayed whatevers on my plate. Look at the shine on those magnifiscent beasts! You should see those pitiful things here, fed on fields that look like perfectly manicured golf greens that grew out a bit too long and then the ugly feed corn they grow for them for winter silage that disfigure our beautiful landscape all spring and summer with aaaaaacres and aaaaaacres of massive ugly monoculture feedcorn. You used to be able to actually see the landscape…. but i havn't had the pleasure for many decades in Holland. I hope it changes soon. All we have is corn, stubble and 'golf'greens. Not even kidding. This used to be a land of raw beauty before land consolidation and mega factory farming. Think we had… you know…. wild animals here too at one point.

  3. overgrazing looks pritty but you greenies dont have a clue what you are looking at im a farmer and that is not a pritty picture but that farmer will know what i mean

  4. Thank you for such a lovely video – utmost nature at work,…….. look at those birds….. OMG – i am sure all these creatures are very much at ease in this farm……. Please continue to do what you are doing and if god permits i will also have something similar to your style – Respectfully Yours!!!!

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