We have new silkies on Appalachia’s Homestead and they are just adorable! Come along with us as we select our new additions and see a very special East Tennessee breeder, Blue Line Silkies! They do a great job and have a wonderful set up for this precious breed! Enjoy & thanks for watching!
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I like the chicken coop it looks so beautiful at night with the lights really cool
How do you tell male from female when they are day olds? Do you use the wing feather method?
I’ve been eyeing this breed. Right now we have our first chickens ever, 8 total 3 breeds we got all together they are 4 months old. I’m worried though that they might get upset with new ladies. They would be over a year before we get more though because we are planning to expand the coops.
What fun!
I love silikeys
I love my silkies and my silkie mixes
Will they eat ticks? Will my lawn survive?
My Neghnor here in the city has 3 – She’s got no coop for them and there in a small wire cage – when it rained out it poured ! They were soaking wet – we told her – she said a boyfriend was watching them – next time it rained they were soaking again – we placed some wooden pieces on top of the cage and this remains there shelter – It’s criminal – we will all be taking action . These are the most adorable brides ever !!!!!
I love silkies and showgirls!!! My silkie roosters are great at taking care of chicks even when they’re six months old.
What’s a silkie is it a cross between a dorking and Assam niagri
The link to her Facebook doesn’t work
We have two silkies and love these girls. My husband and I lived in TN and really love TN and the people. I am a widow and live near my daughter. We sold both our homes and bought a big place with two homes. We have two goats coming Sunday and our all our chickens.
We have seven silkies and we love our babies
Ik this was four years ago but rn my aunt told us to watch her baby silkys and THEY ARE ADORABLE
I got 2 silkies and one is breathing harder then all the other. So I got electrolytes and have eye dropped it to her and am being careful to not get in her nose Anyways I’ve fed it to her and she is very active but breathing heavy not sure y
These ladies are so Tennessee. "Wow this is such a great setup!"
"Well thank yooou! Thank yooou!"
Don't stop being sweet, we need more of that in the world.
Wow! Super cool. Thanks for the video!
I just got some silkies! They are the most beautiful little fluffy butts I've ever seen …I love them like my children…I actually got a sliver one and she is BEYOND BEAUTIFUL! I have one questions can u wing sex them just like regular chicks ?
Gorgeous chickens.
Somehow I have a feeling I'd live in Tennessee for 3 weeks and have an accent!
Looking for a female silkie
Hello . Hope you having a blessed day. I have a question . One of my girls went brudi silkie/polish. Do I need to take her out and separate them from the other one . ??
I have someone hatching me some silkies and should be done in a few days and I cant wait.
Fun to see the beginnings of your beautiful Silkie flock .
I just got one and noticed it had more trouble hopping up the roost. Why do you not have one? Do they have different needs?
Just got silkies they are the new loves of my life!
Starting up playlist.