Saving asparagus seed is a great way to get more people growing food, or to expand your asparagus patch for free! It is an easy plant to grow and you don’t have to do anything to help it go to seed. We also discuss the difference between male and female asparagus. Hopefully, you enjoyed and happy seed saving!
650+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds $2/pack, fertilizer, garden tools, blog &
I bought seeds in an online store but the color is green not red
where and how do you store them till you are ready to plant
when do you plant the seeds? do you direct sow or start inside?
Once an asparagus spear is harvested, is that same spear done cor the year or does that same asparagus spear keep replenishing all season long also if I have 4 or 5 spears ready to be harvested on same plant,can I harvest them all at once or cut half,give it some time, then cut the rest. I been told different things?
like panning gold! LOL! I will try this with me gold pan
The intro is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long
why can't you just keep the red seed the way it is.
I did enjoy your demo. I will try to get me some this year from my plants.
I didn't know about these things, but picked the dried ones off my plant in early spring (then cut back the plants). I've just put them directly into pots to see if they would germinate (some were white/dry, some were still red/moist). How long should they take to germinate? I assume by your video that you did this in the fall, not the spring. Thanks! Love your videos!
Question: Do asparagus seeds produce male plants? How do you tell the difference?
Do these seeds have to go thru a frozen time before you can grow them?
I have berries in my asparagus too.. i am collecting it..and thanks for showing how to
Great video! Came across an asparagus plant we planted years ago but the area became over grown…I know, we're bad. I was trudging through the back field and decided to pick an apple for energy and found an asparagus plant, apparently male, we planted many, many, many years ago but never harvested….I know, I know, we're losers. As I was chomping on the apple I thought, too bad there's no seed. I turn and find another asparagus and this one had the red berries!!! Halleluyah!!! Rushed in to find out how to keep them. Thank you! Now, back to the field of beautiful aster, goldenrod, and fleabane to collect them. Hopefully, we do better next season…God willing.
The berries can be deadly if consumed! Make you very sick
lol I love that skunk that's lurking in the background
I have a male plant but the stem is all brown but the little berries are not red they are green do they have to be red to get the seeds out?
Can the seeds be planted right away? or do they need to dry first and then planted?
I smash the seeds in a metal screen strainer and rinse.
do you have to wait til the berries are red before harvesting them?
You can mash them already dipped in water so it's less messy and I would be careful using tap water.
When do they start growing berries. I planted mine from a garden center in the spring and the ferms are nice and tall but have no berries on them
Don’t eat the berries they are toxic.
U need a seed dryer like khang starr posted about other day ♡
my asparagus berrys have 4 seeds in each berry
I had no idea that asparagus were either male or female! My plants have been in the heart of my garden for 12 years and I have never seen berries before but the plants still come back every year! Mine must be male. Lol. So cool!
Step one, get female asparagus. The more I know
What do you do next? Before planting does it need to be refrigerated or anything?
They are actually POISONOUS!!! So it’s probably BETTER to allow them to dry out and then just gently crush them and wrap in towels and keep for planting.
I have a question. So what if you just planted the berries as is. I imagine the stuff around them is to help the seed along? or not? why remove the pulp? Might it be nutrient for the seeds?