Using clam shell air layering any one in permaculture can generate a great income stream from their permaculture garden
VIDEO: Easy fig propagation for permaculture income
Using clam shell air layering any one in permaculture can generate a great income stream from their permaculture garden
Thanks for the video. Where did you purchase your clam shells? What USDA zone are you in BTW?
I'm in zone 7a (northern arizona). Would it be possible to propagate fig cuttings between now (oct 6) and estimated first frost (around mid november)?
I wonder if you would have better results with a fabric container for your soil vs the clam shell, look up air pruning. It prevents root bound issues.
You've made me a believe in air layering.
Thank you, from a fellow permaculture practitioner in South Carolina, for all your practical videos. Very inspiring!
Kinda Hard to see anything IN SHADOW I subbed your site Great video