March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Homesteading & Homeschooling – The Struggle is REAL~

Everyday life on a real homestead while homeschooling kids… it is what it is. Do your best. Set your goals and when you fail, learn from it and get back up! Hope you enjoy! xo
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homesteading & Homeschooling – The Struggle is REAL~

  1. Two words: Thank you!
    My reality: 5 children (ages 3mo to 8 years); homeschooling; bought a small farm last year and moved in 2 1/2 months before the baby was born; no animals or garden this year. I hate going to the store and purchasing foods that I've grown and/ or canned in the past, but there was no way anything "farm-y" was going to happen this year. Thanks for the "reality check"! 🙂

  2. Saw your channel is one OFF GRID WITH DOUG AND STACY subscribe to so decided to check it out. BOY AM I GLAD I DID! As a homeschool mom who doesn't homestead…YET…hoping to be making that move within the next year I so needed to hear this. This is REAL LIFE…and sometimes it's hard not to beat yourself up for having a messy house, etc. Thank you so much for putting things in perspective! Love your videos and have learned so much already!

  3. Well sh-ait. I cried laughing. That's how this works.Just had a "discussion" with my wife about dishes – damn dirty fools. This is a life, that most just don't get, but they call me lazy. BTW, I don't know what 5,6,7,8,9, or 10am looks like. Well, I do, but our place dosen't have a cow that needs milking.

    Great video….Subbed. 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for sharing honestly! I was just struggling today to finish spring home school plans on time for our oldest. It's a struggle to keep up with the three h's: homestead, homeschool, and the home. I feel like I can always keep two above water each day and then totally drop the ball on the third! But I wouldn't trade this life for anything, no matter how hard it is 🙂 Looking forward to perusing some more of your homeschooling (and homesteading) vlogs for ideas! ~ Laura

  5. Patara. This is where I first met you. It is snowing today (I'm sure it is there too) I was reminiscing the snow last year… and how far we have come since then in our homestead journey. Thank you so much for your inspiration and for your realistic descriptive videos. ❤ from the Murphys!

  6. So true. Thanks for putting it out there honestly. I thin it's little at a time. One foot in front of the other. Buy a pressure cooker and canning jars. Start a garden. Then do a rain barrel or two. Then, well you get the point. Baby steps to homesteading if you have to. You'll get there slowly , comfortably , and learn to do one thing at a time to ease you into it. Great Video.

  7. I love how you say simple is not simple. My husband and I are working towards a "simpler" life. But we know, know in our bones, this won't be "simple" as in easier, but better as a whole. More simplistic in morals, in essence, in reality. The complications of life will be for reality based, instead of the fluff you see in "normal" life. Love it.

  8. I am a 28 year old wife and mom of two and I am considering this lifestyle and have been contemplating this lifestyle for YEARS. Im at the point where I have got to choose ao that I can start living and investing in something! I have been interested in homeschooling for YEARS, I have been interested in sustainability since, forever, since I spent the summers in the Kentucky country at friends' farms. So thank you for being so upfront! I LOVE this- first video I've seen of yours. props.

  9. I absolutely love this video! I'm an empty nester that started my family early and started my homestead late. 🙂 We literally just moved to our homestead. Part of the reason we jumped in is because of folks like you. Permission to fail and then fail less, until we get it right. Thanks for all the uplifting and reality based truth! By the way, I have a stack of dishes in my sink RIGHT NOW. I am at my full time job and have a ton of chores to do when I get home and couldn't be happier.

  10. My Mom always told us, "Do what you can and leave the rest." That advice has been golden to me over the years and I have passed it on to my daughter. It keeps you from stressing.

  11. Wow I’m that person watching all the prepping people and saying I have to do that I have to make that smoker I have to plant that apple tree n things in my area this can’t work and I feel like a failure n I’m not going to make it
    I’m trying to learn when to plant things I’m trying to learn to can I’m trying to raise a 13-year-old and a eight month old and I’m pregnant now trying all these things NOW BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE THE WORLD Is so uncertain that I HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT !!! So thank u for helping me with these thoughts n understanding of which n what should come first

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