July 2, 2024

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Resuming new subscriber email notifications

  1. Thanks.. they keep changing things. And now see the word occasionally receive email notice. This is the first time I was notified for your videos in a long time. So I wonder if they rotate who they tell you about now.

  2. Same here. I noticed a few weeks ago. Thanks for the tip! I click on each notification of the new subscribers channel and look at their channel. Most do not have videos. I have subscribed to many who did have videos that I liked. Bernard

  3. Very good tip! Thanks for posting it. My notifications seem to be fine, but right now, my Video Creator dashboard is wonky. It's not showing a proper comment count on my videos. And the other issue I have is with being notified of new videos from the people I subscribe to. Like this video, for example. I wasn't notified that you posted it, so the only way I knew about it was by visiting your channel. A little annoying, for sure. Not sure why YouTube is so buggy these days. Google must be messing with GooglePlus again.

  4. I just noticed that I haven't gotten any new subscriber notifications since the first of October. I just did what you did and I went to my settings and clicked on resume to subscriber notifications. Thank you.

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