Lavender is a fragrant plant, edible flowers, and used in soaps, and
tea, and so much more. We love it because they honeybees collect some
nectar from it. We are saving seeds from our plants today and I am
going to show you just how easy it is to save lavender seed!
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Love these videos!!! Thank you so much!!!
There are hundreds of channels showing how to start lavender seed, but after doing some searching found out that there are almost none showing how to save the seed!
Wow thanks for the advice!
Thank you so much. I started saving seeds this year for the first time. Do you know if saving mint seeds is similar to lavender? I have a ton of mint that I'll be digging up while renovating the garden and I'd love to plant some next season.
Thanks for all your seed saving videos. I've been gardening for over 30 years and was never much into seed savings. I always thought it would be more work than it was worth. But this year I've started saving seeds, in part by your tips and trick.
Also, I think it speaks volumes about your character and view on gardening that you are so willing to share your seed saving knowledge even though you are in the seed selling business. Can't wait to grow my Orange Roussillini's next spring.
That's really cool, those seeds definitely hide well
Thanks for sharing Luke. Best wishes Bob.
Just love all these "quick" seed saving videos, Luke. Thanks for sharing.
Just curious. What is that red thing behind you? I have seen it in a lot of your videos.
Thank you for the video !
What do you suggest for lavender leaves? Is there something to do with it like some sachet? Do we wait at the end of automn too before harvesting them? Thanks
I've searched up the web and found no information about how long will lavender seeds last? Can anyone please educate me?
Have you done one on rosemary?
Thanks for the video, my mother has a massive lavender bush on our family farm and she always wanted to know how to harvest their seeds
Thank you good one will be trying tomorrow.
Nice. I move to a place with tons of lavender. I was able to get loads of English and French lavender seeds!
Thanks for this tutorial! I accidentally figured out a "hack" for getting the seeds! I collected the flower heads in a basket-style coffee filter and closed it around them, then put that in a baggie and sealed it. The seeds are so tiny I thought that would keep them from getting lost. I stuck the baggie in my pocket where it got crushed. Seeds went to the bottom of the baggie, while the flower heads remained inside the coffee filter.
I think you may have a video on every species I've looked into so far… thank you.