September 28, 2024

VIDEO: The Market Gardener with Jean-Martin Fortier Part 7 Cover Crops

Innovative organic farmer Jean-Martin Fortier, author of “The Market Gardener” shares his profitable methods for achieving success growing vegetables on a small plot of land. Learn from the years of experience Jean-Martin and his wife have gone through from the basic beginnings to the advances made over a decade farming their land. Gain the benefits of highly efficient techniques that will jumpstart your small farm/garden operation. The book, “The Market Gardener” elucidates all the important details; startup costs, crop rotations and other vital data needed to emulate Jean-Martin Fortier’s cutting edge business model. He brings a level of professionalism, discipline and hope to aspiring farmers and seasoned growers alike.

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Market Gardener with Jean-Martin Fortier Part 7 Cover Crops

  1. seems like a pass or two with a mulching lawn mower would do well enough in place of the flail mower,for some folks.? maybe modifying a small cultivator with a shroud and depth adjustment by adding wheels would do well gorgeous mixing in the top few inches.

  2. Those cover crops are so small (lol) how well does it work with big stuff like sunn hemp or sorghum? It seems like it would also have trouble with viney cover crops like velvet bean or hyacinth beans?

  3. The go to line here seems to be … and then I used my tiller.. I get that the tarp prevents weeds from germinating. But then you are promoting weed growth by throwing soil back up from the paths and also tilling, even if only a couple of cm.

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