March 25, 2025

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Chicken Woodpile Fetish & Fun with Raising Hens

  1. Yep, broody! When some of my sons neighbors chickens got out, all of them went either to the small trees to roost or into the piles of leaves and branches to hide. They got broody and had lots and lots of baby chicks. We took a bunch of them to a man that raises chickens and he raised the chicks. It's their natural way to live in the wild. Oh, and watch for rats and mice getting the eggs she may lay. It will increase the mice and rats on your property. She's so cute! Bless, Sheila

  2. That is so interesting.  She knows what she wants.  I hope you leave the woodpile there for a while so we can see what she does.  🙂  Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi Mark!  Very interesting!  She is acting like she wants to be a Mum! LOL!  But at first glance at those wood piles – I thought HUNTSMAN!!  or SNAKE!!!  Hope not!!!!

  4. Thanks for the update always fun to watch all your flock, I don't know to much about chickens so have no idea what the one in the wood pile is doing I'm afraid maybe she just need some time for herself far from the others 😉

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