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Making’ some pepper jelly for Christmas gifts, so it’s time for a winter pepper harvest!
Don’t miss these related videos:
How to Make Low Sugar Pepper Jelly
You Can’t Push the Peppers
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Veggie Gardener:
YAS queen ! Your so amazing (:
haha, i love how people in warm places put on winter clothes when it gets down into the 70s….like they are going to get frostbite……….i go out in a T shirt and jeans when its 20 degrees
does max ever water your peppers
Thanks for giving us a taste of summer. I've got kale growing under the grow lights, and I ordered some seeds to start my garden in the early spring. Can't wait!!!!
Late started Nadellos didn't germinate (planted about 2 weeks ago). If they come up it may be too late now. And a rat took our first two sweet banana capsicums of the season which was pretty heartbreaking… but otherwise it's going to be a great season I think – 15 different capsicum and chilli plants all in flower right now and many young ones forming.
We had some cold days here but today a high of 78 and beautiful, by the end of the week back to cooler weather.
Please forgive me, I can't help lol at your winter outfit. You'd never, ever survive here in northwestern Minnesota! We've already hit 10 degrees for a high and winter hasn't gotten here yet. But I do love your videos and you do bring a smile to my face, so please keep it up!
We are in for the winter. We just adopted/rescued a puppy that does not understand boundaries. As if any puppies do. Any tips to keep her out of the garden next spring? She seems to enjoy chewing on everything and even eating dead foliage and decaying tomatoes from the mulch/compost pile.
Beautiful peppess !I like the dog!
Beautiful peppers! Totally loved it!
hello Kim, long time no chat haha. Ok so I normally start my tomato plants by seed and they turn out always bigger/stronger and produce more fruit than store bought plants but this year ive just gone and bought 6 tomato plants and I planted them around 2 months ago (the start of spring here in new zealand) and they have just died very fast. Any idea why they died? and what can I do to make them last longer? (its nearly the end of spring and the start of summer here in new zealand). and ive never heard of pepper jelly, plz explain to me becuase ive never heard, seen or tasted any type of pepper jelly.
Kim keep the gardening videos coming. We need our gardening fix in the winter. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes Bob.
Lovely update thank you for sharing have a blessed day
Just made my first batch and set out for Thanksgiving and everyone loved it!!! Thanks for the recipe !!! Loved your video and your peppers look beautiful!!! Hope your holiday was wonderful!!!
when can you start planting your dill seeds?
Hello from norther Cali, we had some freezing temps and the last of my pepper plants died but I did manage to harvest most peppers before the frost.
enjoyed watching the pepper harvest but when you say mild winters what temperatures do you get and does it affect what you can grow.
Nice video! I really like your channel. I have never tried pepper jelly but I'm going to now. Having fun in the garden is what it's all about and enjoying the healthy harvest is icing on the cake.
Great harvest Kim. Always exciting to be getting great peppers this late in the season!
We made a habanero jelly which I really love to use in my sautes. We like it spicy in our house. Thanks for sharing looks awesome.
Thanks for this. I had a terrific crop – given that I do balcony gardening! Bring on spring here in NF 0n Cda!!
Nice thank you dear,Bob:)Beautifl pepper plants,beautiful house,beautiful happy lady,c u later.happy new year.
Some nice shots in this video! Nice job CG!
If it was warm enough for living pepper plants, I'd be out there in shorts.
nice peppers, I have four pepper plants that even have blooms on them I am really looking forward to pepper,s so I can make pepper jelly too