March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Feeders & Drinkers for Chickens & Ducks Walk Around Pen

Here’s another look at my DIY feeders and drinkers with a chat and walk around the pen. Also, talk a little in the beginning about fermenting feed.

Link to DIY feeder:
Link to Dog Proof Fence video:

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Feeders & Drinkers for Chickens & Ducks Walk Around Pen

  1. Keep doing it Mark, The feeder I made from your Idea is Brilliant, My chickens do NOT make any mess at all, not one bit of feed comes out.. thanks, You should be pushing it more because all the other feeders are rubbish compared to your one. Graham UK

  2. You always have the best ideas for chickens. Love how you put the water up and they use the cinder block to reach it. It looks like the water would stay cleaner. Heavy summer rain bounces sand up so high. This way the cups wont get full of sand. Another great idea.

  3. Nice walk around mate. You must go through a bag of feed a week easy. I'm going to have to put together a feeder for my 25 chicks that are around the 10 week age now. I really want to avoid mice and rats if possible. My older birds use the tin feeder (almost the same as yours I'd say) which works better than any other I've purchased. They can't rake the food out of that one unlike the plastic ones. Interesting you don't use the little drinker nipples for the chooks mate – I think they're awesome. Not sure what I'll do with the feeders – was leaning to using the water tank inlet on a bucket/bin – I think you did one similar at some point. I know Rob bob did one. Food for thought – thanks Mark

  4. I just love your setup. I also notice that they are all under the tree area, and that is wonderful. Nothing worse than a water container boiling in the sun. Your animals look so happy all the time. I'm very impressed with those water feeders up away from the ducks. You take such good care of your "ladies" no wonder they are always so happy. Bless, Sheila

  5. Howdy from Red Oak,Texas, I love the bin feeder idea and I am fixing to make one ,BUT I don't understand how you keep it from spilling out of the sides of the bin when you put alot of feed into it. Is there something on the inside of the bin to keep it from going out?

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