Allotment challenge started by Foodie Laura
Gardening with puppies
Rob Bob
Bills allotmentdiary
There were so many others I wanted to tag and deserve to be tagged.
1 How long have you had your Allotment for?
2 How long did you have to wait for your Allotment?
3 Where did you learn about Gardening?
4 Do you plant a Winter Garden?
5 What has been your biggest success this year/ever?
6 What’s been your biggest Gardening disaster?
7 Do you have a tried and true crop variety that you always grow?
8 Are you planning on trying anything new next year?
9 How do you preserve your crops?
10 What’s your favourite meal to cook with veg from the Plot?
You gave very interesting Answers. I like the idea from Laura because it has helped subscribers to understand each other better. I did mine a few days ago. Best wishes, Patrick
Good tag choices… I have subbed all of those.
good to get to know you a bit better. I love the state of Alabama. I spent some time on Dolphin Island and Fort Pane. I love the mountain area up there. I went to a garden near dolphin island too. But do not remember the name. I got to see the sphagnum moss hanging from the trees. It was beautiful.
Give us full screen videos as well
thanks for the upload
i hope you plan on doing some videos on fermenting. have you tried growing okra in half barrels? i get great results with eggplant in them and they like heat too.
Great to hear your answers. It's so interesting to find out more about everyone. Getting used to a new climate would be a massive challenge. I've started a playlist to try and keep track of all the videos, the tag really has spread all over
Great answers. All the best.
Nice run down Jay.
Hope next season goes & grows a lot better for you.
All the best to you & yours mate.
Oh my 6 inch monster slugs?!
I lub jew joe no chit. buy me lot ment so I can bye me a helicopter to visit my fambly on the island . I lub you looong time
Sorry but the GI in me just said it off the top of my head. I have no idea what an allotment is in regards to your video. I have 9 acres left out of the original 12 and I have about a third to half acre planted in vegetables. the rest is in row crops that the farmer takes acre of so I dont have to mow it.
I used to be at war with the slug army, but now I have ducks, they are like my own personal tactical slug killing unit. The eggs are good to.
Good one J. I had some of the same problems with the drought and slugs this year. I guess mine will be out later or tomorrow
Thanks for sharing Jay. Best wishes Bob.
Lovely videos. They look well thought and beautiful! I have just subscribed to your channel and Liked your video. Do you keep hens also? I have a few chickens and one of the cutest ones is broody now:
My little Garden of Eden:
A short upplufting allotment musical:
Some humble automtic watring :
That was interesting, Jay. Hearing you talk about slugs, made me think about what I will be facing this year in the garden. In Florida, it was the rats and stink bugs. Here in the mountains, it is snails and lots of them. Thanks so much for tagging me, buddy. I will get a video going some time this week. You've given me some good questions to ponder.
I'm scared of canning, I think I'm think going to do something wrong and get us all sick. Nice getting to know you.
Hello mate..Great answers, and thanks for the nomination..Apparently i had been nominated off quite a few people, but i am still getting round to watching everyones vids..I do watch your vids, and have done for a while..:)
Cheers, Dave
It's great to get to know you through these questions. I subbed your channel and will be following it as I tend to my own greenhouse channel. God bless and have a very Happy New Year!