March 18, 2025

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 38 – Back in Ontario! Quick Update from a Walmart Parking Lot

  1. I've really enjoyed all of your video's but what I particularly like is the commentary that you sometimes include. Sorry to hear about your camera misfortune. The photo's along with the narration was a great idea and I certainly wouldn't be opposed to seeing some older photo's from past trips with commentary. Love the the quality of your editing. So much fun and very inspiring to watch. Looking forward to seeing more !!!

  2. Love you guys. 🙂 Great Work on the channel! (So far, hehe) Love this vid. Understand your´re feelings here, Where to go next? (On YouTube) Go enyway you want too. Take a pause or invent some new angle… difficult. I would dread the youtube "situation" u guys are in. Wish you the best

  3. Merry Christmas my very good Canadian friends. Happy you got another camera. Maybe you will be able to get a New van like the one you showed in the video that you had taken before your camera wandered off,or away.

  4. Can't wait to see how are you going to deal with the double digits cold winter in the van. In the coldest days, It would be interesting to know how you handling water/washing, bathroom needs, and how you handle the grey & black tanks. Thanks

  5. Would love to see photos of your western trip. Derrick does excellent photography and I have always enjoyed his informative voice overs. Mix in a little day-to-day how-to and I am sure you will have all of us following. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  6. You guys are a very nice couple to follow. It brings a smile to my face knowing that there are couples out there like you . With all the negativity in the World this is nice to see. Looking forward to more adventures from you guys! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am enjoying everything you guys do! Really like the narrated travels, but also like to see your day-to-day vlogs of van living. Keep up the great work, and keep traveling when you can!!!

  8. Definitely worth sorting those photos from the last trip but it's a BIG job. I might just subscribe to see if you manage it :p You wouldn't regret it I'm sure 🙂

  9. I know I'm really late to the party, but would love, love, LOVE to see a narrated pictorial style video of your further cross-country adventures. I was looking for those very ones, and now I know they don't exist. Shame. Hope to see some of that soon! I know you're busy with the home and garden AND work, but hopefully winter will afford you some extra time for some content goodies. 🙂

  10. Hi Derrick and Paula, we found your channel one day whilst looking for a vanlife YouTube couple around our age. We do not #vanlife🙂 but hope to one day when our kids are adults. We were sold when you intro'd video one in sub zero Ontario temps and have watched every episode to this one from our bedroom after the kids go to sleep. We enjoy the real-life shooting style and find ourselves verbally announcing the appearance of a new video editing tool (voice over, animated maps, text etc!)You have a wonderful relationship dynamic and it comes across in the videos. Your pictures are excellent and a nice touch. We enjoy seeing the odd 'blooper reel' at the end of a release. Best wishes from Craig & Judy, Durban, South Africa.

  11. I love to see how happy you both are living in your van, and I respect other peoples' lifestyle. I know for sure that I could never live in such a small place. I need more space. We moved to Italy and trust me, the most part of the homes and condos are small in comparison to Canadian housing. But this is way too small although it's a challenge. I'm really enjoying your videos. You're both so cute together….

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