Wonderful! poor Vanessa broke her (that don't sound right) antlers. are you sure vanessa is a girl? lol ok! in Santa land ! Great Video! neat lights! Christmas best season of the year!
I have been following you two throughout your adventure…I definitely enjoy the in depth information you provide in your videos and it's a bonus you two are adorable to watch interact together…Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that jazz…thanks for sharing your travels
Hi Derek and Paula ( Glad to know your name Paula ) hey after the holidays you should leave the lights up for a festive mood change when you need to get a mood change it really works Merry Christmas to you both Love the channel
Thanks for sharing…that was fun! Especially the dog part at the end! Very fitting! Who cleaned up the mess? By the way…that background noise..is it your van engine or generator running? AND a very Merry Christmas to you both..and Vanessa of course!!!
A fun video…lights look awesome. Couldn't help wondering how big that bed is. Video's are deceiving but you look like a tall guy…just wondering how you can fit 2 in across without too many details, lol! Can you stretch out without touching the walls?
Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year. Loved your decorations. I love 3M Command Strips for decorating-never permanent and they have a variety of types. Look forward to more videos in 2016.
Merry Christmas from Toronto.
Merry Christmas!
Wonderful! poor Vanessa broke her (that don't sound right) antlers. are you sure vanessa is a girl? lol ok! in Santa land ! Great Video! neat lights! Christmas best season of the year!
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas from Rob and Lisa.
Loved it! Merry Christmas.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww………………………………. that was great (love that cheesy sweater.!!!!!!)
Merry Christmas to you both!!!!
I have been following you two throughout your adventure…I definitely enjoy the in depth information you provide in your videos and it's a bonus you two are adorable to watch interact together…Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that jazz…thanks for sharing your travels
Tape??? Tape??? You live 30 yards from Walmart and 50 yards to the dollar store… You have access to more tape that most anyone.
Merry Christmas you guys!!! All the best for 2016
Hi Derek and Paula ( Glad to know your name Paula ) hey after the holidays you should leave the lights up for a festive mood change when you need to get a mood change it really works Merry Christmas to you both Love the channel
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas. You guys are so awesome!
Merry Christmas:))
Merry Christmas guys!
Thanks for sharing…that was fun! Especially the dog part at the end! Very fitting! Who cleaned up the mess? By the way…that background noise..is it your van engine or generator running? AND a very Merry Christmas to you both..and Vanessa of course!!!
You weren't' t kidding about the pup!! Funny and loved the video!
Merry Christmas Guys!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Nice videos, how much longer do you guys plan on living in a van?
Ya'll are just too cute. Merry Christmas!
you guys are too funny Merry Christmas Happy New Year
A fun video…lights look awesome. Couldn't help wondering how big that bed is. Video's are deceiving but you look like a tall guy…just wondering how you can fit 2 in across without too many details, lol! Can you stretch out without touching the walls?
Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year. Loved your decorations. I love 3M Command Strips for decorating-never permanent and they have a variety of types. Look forward to more videos in 2016.
Does your furnace produce enough heat to keep you warm during extremely cold nights?
Nice work! Love your lights and seat covers.