WHY IT WORKS . Part 2 of 12 Part Garden Series that will help you understand the PRO’S & CON’S of Back to Eden organic deep mulch gardening 101 method with wood chips to composting just Fall leaves. Great start for beginners tour our secrets for building organic garden soil for vegetables 101 documentary with pest control. Looking into soil food web & soil health in organic garden. diy garden.
PH METER source: https://www.amazon.com/Kelway-Soil-pH-Moisture-Meter/dp/B003DWAM9Q/ref=sr_1_36?ie=UTF8&qid=1484752120&sr=8-36&keywords=soil+ph+meter
spelled Flocculation . Link to definition : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flocculation
Calcium Oxalate :
You explained this so well
Thank you! This is so amazing, soil is such a beautiful thing
Excellent video
Great channel. New subscriber
If you want to deep mulch with leaves, you need to shred them.
This makes sense. What if our land has LOTS of rocks and wild thorny black berries growing every where and these are very notorious and hard to get rid of . So we tons of huge rocks (size of your head or little bigger mixed in with smaller rocks size of eggs to baseballs/softball)…then all these mixed in with clay compacted soil….so can I still NO TILL or something else. I have only a year or one season to set aside for the no till method as we plan to get the garden going by next year/season. Please someone respond soon as I am very tempted to till it. Thank you.
I can understand the Carbon benefit but I don't understand where the N comes from.N from dead leaves?
Great teacher !
Great stuff just starting to.build our organic back yard parsdise..love this idea and been looking into it a lot..great video
I would still dig and sift the rock out before ultimately going no dig
Enjoyed your video thank you. Trying no till for the first time this year and trying to research it. I use what I have here so leaves for me this year. Zone 5b Ontario Canada
I put leaves and chips in all my garden paths now: walking helps to break them down fast. I harvest soil all the time and expand. Checkout my raised beds. They are…uh…quite unique.
Would this work the same way as with using rice hulls?
Can you share which PH meter you use? Many don’t work but yours seems to! Thanks!
Yeah I feel like I was just in a class. You would make a good professor. Thanks! All stuff I never knew.
I'm sorry if I missed the information in the video. But my question is this: how long after putting down the woodchips or leaves do I have to wait to plant? Could you plant immediately into the leaf garden shown at the beginning of your video?
I have a sheltered corner where leaves built up last fall, mostly oak and some maple. I'd like to add these leaves to my garden that I currently have 1 year old wood chips on but I also want to plant in that garden this year.
To speed this process, how do you feel about using a rotary filler to break up the soil (add oxygen) and blend in wood chips, mulch and compost? I would also put wood chips on top of the soil. I want to both speed the process and possibly improve it.
I been trying to get my mom to try this. She won't stop tilling her crappy clay soil. She's started to mulch for a season, but every spring…out comes the tiller.
So I never knew about this but I've always just dug a hole and stuck my plants in the ground. Does that count
What if I only put wood chips down on top of the soil with no manure or leaves in between, now I plant my plants and seeds into the soil that is right underneath the chips, it is almost like mud and has a different new color to it and a different smell. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. I’m using chicken soup of the soil and other supplements in case it needs some nutrients this year for the beginning. What is it that I can do to improve?
Excellent video sir! Best I've seen. Very good way of demonstrating how it all works.
I have a large pile of mulch in my yard that was delivered today and I have alot.of oak leaves…..Do I just inoculate with a manuer? and keep adding nitrogen and not till and eventually get rich soil like that?
Супер интересно
Best info f me
5:50 теперь я понял почему клещ Варроа нападает на пчел в ульях пасечников. Ваша таблица все обьясняет . Ведь если у клещей нет пищи из первой и второй цепочки ( ниматоды, бактерии и грибковые ), то клещ будет нападать на пчел и тп. А почему нет пищи у клеща ? Потому что пасечники только и показывают в ютюб как они налиивают в ульи всякие кислоты , антигрибковые препараты и химию всякого уровня. Мы все неправы, пытаясь убивать одних , думая что поможем другим.
Nice job mate. Your enthusiasm is wonderful.
Your videos are great mate. Really appreciate them and the effort.
Amazing information, thank you my friend!
Very enlightening; thank you!
I've never used wood chips in my garden, but had to chuckle at the comment about the Earth having an unending supply of basic minerals.
My house is surrounded by farm field's I lived here several years before my farmer husband forced me to pay attention to the fields every Spring. If a field is really heavy with stones a farmer will pay for "stone picking" equipment to remove them from the field. But it only lasts a season or two, before the force of the Earth freezing and thawing heaves more stones to the surface.
Well if the Earth's cycle is powerful enough to heave up stones weighing a pound or more, don't you think minerals in tiny fractions also heave toward the surface? Unless nature's balance is thrown out of wack by commercial chemicals, etc, the Earth is constantly renewing itself. Instead of fighting it and trying to overpower it, we need to study its cycles and learn how to grow within them.
This was excellent looking forward to watching more of your material. Thank you