March 19, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Allotment Challenge

  1. thanks bro, love you, love your work.    your one of the guys doing it right.   I had fun doing the challenge too.   don't change a thing, I don't show my face much either, its more about the garden and nature, not me.  I love that you do the same.

  2. Enjoyed the new video and looking forward to the new things you have in store this year for your garden and your channel. I will continue to follow along. BTW, where did you get your borage seed? I have started planting in my garden (down in florida) and wanted to add some stuff for the bees, and I remember from your videos that the bees loved that borage.

  3. Good video, James. It was nice to hear about your background. I always look forward to hearing about your 'food forest'. Now with your greenhouse it will even be more fun and a great addition to life's learning adventure. Good luck with your 2016 gardening journey.

  4. It's funny, when I'm out after a storm goes by and I see all the run off or flooded fields and streets I just think of all the possibilities too if some knowledgeable effort went into preserving the water and building the soil. Instead, here in the High Desert it's dust, but it doesn't need to be. I love the channel and garden, James. Thanks for sharing! Always an inspiration.

  5. Love that your staying close to your family. not a lot of people would even consider that. I've been following since pretty much the beginning so I look forward to what is going on next 🙂

  6. Hi James, it was. Great to put a face to the garden and commentary at last. Love your videos and garden. Really interesting to hear about your reading choices. I have a small allotment in England…and like you I try to think for myself and grow some of my own food. Thanks for the inspiration. Carole

  7. It's been awesome to see your garden progress over the years. I can't wait to get mine going now that I've moved out to the country. I've been focusing more on getting the indoor garden done =D

  8. Hi James, what a wonderful surprise. Nice to see u finally. I wish you all the success and happiness for 2016. May your wish to expand your garden come true. Take care Brother.

  9. Hi, I have given up on growing summer squash & zucchini because they get decimated by the vine borer – I live in the Boston which I imagine is similar in terms of climate – have you ever encountered this pest?

  10. Dude, thanks again for cranking these videos out, they are so inspiring.  I'm learning a lot from them to include ways to take what I've started to the next level.  I'm always trying to add or improve something each year.  I'm pretty strict with organic and heirloom varieties and have some rain collection systems going that I hope to improve upon for my annuals and when we have droughts or oppressive summer heat.  I definitely want to get some of my lessons learned out there as I've seen you do.  I tried to implement my own take on hugelkultur while planting a number of my trees but I think I did more harm than good, trees still look good but I feel like they aren't where they could be.  I have about 1/8 acre in a suburban setting with a deck, pool, gazebo and huge kids playset  currently occupying a lot of my space but I've still managed to plant blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and I'm experimenting with goji berries.  I've also planted a variety of trees as well (bare root) to include 3 apple, 2 pear, 1 mulberry, 1 cherry, 1 peach and 1 almond.  I've tried starting elderberry but had no luck with the seeds.  I was wondering if you've considered keeping bees.  I'de love to but worry about the neighbors and friends kids, that and I don;t care for how much people in my neighborhood spray their lawns.  Not sure if you allow tours or travel to check out other like minded people/gardens but would love to pick you brain.  Thanks again, keep up the great work and best of luck with the new greenhouse.

  11. Hi James I have now watched many of your video and I love them thumbs up to you.
    I studied horticulture but I was not happy with just designing gardens because it often involved pulling up lovely old trees that has taken many years to grow and planting ornamental plants instead. I discovered permaculture and Geoff Lawton I have now done two of his PDC on line I have accumulated many fruit trees that I started off in a pot. I somehow managed to get them to fruit, trees that should take 3 years before fruiting fruits the same year. I did the second PDC after Planting a very small patch using permaculture system and producing a great deal of veg that is why I have great admiration for what you do.

    My garden is 80 years old I have lived here for 40 years I have an accumulation of leaves as mulch that is never cleared this was the advice of the previous owner, he was a plants man. I have a symbiotic system supporting 13 different plants. All I have to do is keep the wild thorny black berry out.

  12. ha, I also look at trees when driving through both rural and urban landscapes. Once the permaculture bug bites you, it becomes almost an obsession…but healthy.

  13. Great videos keep doing what you doing bro, From the first video I saw of you I know this isn't someone that threw together a random video for YouTube, your videos are well-thought-out, informative with a great landscape learning from some of the best. Well done, you are opening alot of peoples minds with this forsure.

  14. You should you when I'm thinking and get a plot of land in Tennessee 2 put a mobile home on and fill with fruit trees that you can visit to get the best of both worlds and growing zones….

  15. This is such a great video. I only discovered your channel earlier this year, but have spent the last few weeks going back through all your videos, in order from the start, to watch your journey and I've been wondering when you would start to come out in front of the camera. You are very inspirational to my 13 year old and I and we watch your channel, as well as a couple of others, like MIGardener, as part of our home education and to inspire and help us in our own garden. Keep up the great work.

  16. Love this video. I caught your channel from a search on square foot gardening (my new experiment this year) but you've become my new muse. After watching your PC Orchard from scratch series, I sorted by oldest and I am glad I did. You are certainly my kind of people. I loved hearing your back story!

    I too found gardening like you did, in 2009, and moved through all of Salatin's, Mollison's, Hemenway's, and Wheaton's videos/books and eventually gained my Permaculture Design Certificate in 2017. Like, you, there have been successes and failures along the way but we (my husband and I) have learned much along the way. Self-teaching is the best way to go! We just moved to our forever home property and I am refreshing myself on those principles and practices. Thank you for all your work on these videos and I'm happy you decided to move in front of the camera!

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