February 20, 2025

VIDEO: Making your own Fall Leaves, Building GARDEN SOIL health organic composting..

Turn 55 lbs into 8-10,000 lbs of Dry Organic Matter to build garden soil health. Just plant Pearl Millet & Sudangrass seed weighing a total of 55 lbs in June and You will have by late Fall 8-10,000 lbs of composting leaves Biomass. Building Soil health via the soil food web.

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Making your own Fall Leaves, Building GARDEN SOIL health organic composting..

  1. what happened with this field this year? I imagine it would reseed itself pretty well and am curious as to how you would handle that aspect if you planned to plant something else.

  2. I just discovered your channel and am enjoying your videos and wisdom immensely. Please consider putting your general location in the about section. Thanks again for the fantastic videos and instruction!

  3. You need to raise chickens and turkeys. The field peas you raised in other videos are perfect for turkeys and chickens could help break your insect cycle. They'll eat the adult insects then if you run them through after all the vegetables are picked they'll scratch up most of the larva. I was thinking of it during the earlier videos then I saw you growing all the millet and sudan grass and all I could think of was chickens going nuts. Just push it over or cut it down once the seed heads are mature and the chickens will pick them clean. Even if you don't want to raise chickens commercially they'll earn their keep cleaning up pests and fertilizing your crops then you at least get all the eggs you can eat and chicken for the family as you retire birds or get tired of a certain annoying rooster. I like to call aggressive rooters "Dumplings" because they make great chicken and dumplings.

  4. Hi, from Uk, I am watching your video and I am interested to use leaves but I already have winter broad beans on it. My question is if I can still put leaves on my raise bed, my broad bean won’t die? Thank you.

  5. If the snow doesn't knock it all down, how do you terminate it so you can plant a crop? Janice P.S. As I finish this question I see a video about managing cover crops. Next for me. Thanks.

  6. Is it possible to undersow this with winter rye and maybe clover a little earlier in the year to keep things going over the winter? Maybe debris will foil the geese? Or is it too shady to get rye to start? I guess birds will eat rye seed too, if you can't rake it in… Thanks so much for the video, must be hard to manage in the cold! PS For others: "Managing Cover Crops" book is available online https://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Books/Managing-Cover-Crops-Profitably-3rd-Edition/Text-Version. Thanks again, Mark!

  7. In India we don't hv winter rains nd snow fall in winters where I live, so concerned about decaying of sudan grass nd pearl millet..Had to weight for next 9 months for the rains to come to decaying this mass .Is it wise to cut nd thrashing nd store somewhere else to use for decaying

  8. Tried this last year with Rye and the Deer came and ate it down, ha. Oh well there was enough left that i could crimp it and then had free straw. thanks for the education.

  9. any issues with growing sudangrass and chopping and hilling potatoes with the green sudangrass ? hopefully not seems like it work good expeically since the normal grass in the yard stops growing around june-july all summer due to the heat and typically fairly dry weather hear in pa . i have a bag of the pipper sudangrass i threw out some seed in a small patch this morning before the rain showers..

  10. I have a small area in my backyard estimated at 2200 square feet. In my location, I have a hard time getting free wood chips to control the weeds.

    Using Pearl Millet & Sudangrass seed, I could technically rejuvenate the soil rather than using wood chips.

    What do you do after growing the Pearl Millet & Sudangrass after 1 season?

    You did not cover how you would then use the above technique to grow your vegetables and fruit trees after growing the Pearl Millet & Sudangrass?

    Instead of weeds, do I have to now deal with the Pearl Millet & Sudangrass after using the above technique?

    Thanks for your feedback.

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