March 26, 2025

VIDEO: CROP FOCUS: High yields from arugula – Hi-Rotation planting

The tool I’m using is The Quick Cut Greens Harvester:

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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: CROP FOCUS: High yields from arugula – Hi-Rotation planting

  1. These videos are some of the best I've seen for a beginning urban farmer. Very informational! But I do have a question about the High Rotation beds, how is the quality/taste of the veggies? I know when you have multiple harvests of greens, the taste goes downhill. And do you remineralize the soil or just add the turkey fert?

  2. When you put a container on a scale to get its weight, and set the scale to the negative weight of the container…that is called a TARE. Which is a law whenever you are selling a product that goes into a container, paper bag, etc…you must deduct the weight (TARE) of the container first. People would be shocked if they realized how much money they are spending on a product that didn't have the tare deducted from it….depending on what is in the container, people can spending $2.00 + additional cost to the actual cost of the product…..people make sure whenever you buy anything in a container that is going to get weighed, the TARE is deducted from the weight!

  3. Hey Curtis.

    How long does it take for arugula (and similarly greens) to grow large enough to cut again, and is there much of a difference between spring/fall and summer?

  4. Hi. You mentioned you use the jang seeder for 9 rows. What is your opinion of that 6-row seeder out there from Johnny's and have you had experience using it. Thanks

  5. I purchased Arugulla/Rouquette at my local Publics Grocery Store @ $5.50 per pack. One weighs 4.oz. or quarter pound x 4 = $22.00 per pound. This is retail price. Therefore, the whole price from gardeners @ $10.00 per pound is reasonable.

  6. What is the seeding density for baby arugula and what is the most efficient way to accurately/consistently plant at that rate? Also, are you growing a "wild" type or regular, I know those seeds are much different sizes from each other. Would really appreciate the info. Thanks!

  7. this is great. do you have a video of you planting these beds or how you prepare the beds soil? i have beds of similar look and am looking for help. keep up the awesome videos.

  8. Hi Curtis, Repeating what you said in different words, one 50 foot bed with nine rows yielding $.66 per lineal foot, will total $1,600 of sales over the course of your growing year. Is this done in three succession plantings? A Summer crop will yield 2 harvests at 35 lbs each or 70 lbs. total, therefore. the shoulder seasons will yield (1600-700)/2= 450 lbs in Spring and the same in the Fall? Slower growing plants in cooler part of year.

  9. Hey Curtis. Great work. Great Videos. I've been reading around in the comments from several vids and also in the videos themselves, but there seems to be some confusion as to how wide your beds are. Some say 1 foot, others 2, and i think i saw 3. Could you clarify that for me? thanks.

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