March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Why or reasons permaculture, farm, garden business fail, part 1

The first of a short series on income and farm style business. I’m not saying I have all the answers because I don’t, but maybe some of my background with many years of business might help out someone that is looking at a farming business think about making good decisions .

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why or reasons permaculture, farm, garden business fail, part 1

  1. Thanks, great points no matter what business someone is going into. Especially about not just copying someone else in which case you might just as well buy a McDonalds franchise.
    I'm in the process of preparing to retire to TN myself and your discussion and talking points is making me go back and review my plans. Still moving somewhere in TN in a couple years but have to check off a couple boxes yet before I go.

  2. Clint great video watched it twice and I you make things clearer for anyone who is thinking about going into business the why is a very good point, makes you think more on which direction to go. Thank You.

  3. your the only one on youtube showing ideas about how to make money doing this .. seem that the rest design their properties then make money designing others and teaching design courses ..many in the permaculture world seem to be anti profit ..and you can't run a business without it making profit

  4. Permaculture is lifestyle movement towards sustainability. Most people do it without money in mind. Money is why we need permaculture in the first place. I also strongly disagree that you need a niche in business. You do need one however in your marketing. I see alot of young small business people wasting money on logos etc, like they are some big corporation or something. Big corps pay big dollars to keep people remembering those logos. Unless you have the budget to compete you are wasting your time and money, when you could be physically doing the "one percenters" they dont have time to do towards getting customers, in a creative way.

  5. My why is to be an example, to spread the knowledge of permaculture. Most of my income comes from the tech industry and I've never made a dollar growing food in the last 4 years. I think moving to Apples might be a way to make money, but I'm definitely not putting my lively hood on the line. I don't think I can compete with any local orchards but I think if I made a hard cider I could be in business. My other idea is hot pepper sauce. Like you said, both are very niche, not competing on commodity level.

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