A permaculture system using ducks and chickens to use less energy making compost for better living soil.
VIDEO: Back yard chickens and ducks in a composting system
A permaculture system using ducks and chickens to use less energy making compost for better living soil.
Great system that will be awesome compost I reckon you could put a broom handle in there and it would start to grow
Really loving your videos, you give great advice.
i love chickens
Thanks Clint – useful and informative video as usual. Cheers
Great video Clint and thanks as you've confirmed my thought processes as I am building a site now in Sevierville. I am placing the chicken coop/building on a plateau at the top of the hill, the pen on the top hillside and the veggie garden lower hill and valley assuming the nutrients will wash down into garden with rainfall. Love the trickle down composting effect you have brought up. Kudos!
Nice system man!
Cool! Thanks for sharing!!!
My ducks stop lying eggs
Any solution
Is it possible to raise ducks like chickens only on forage, compost and kitchen scraps without buying feed?