It’s -42°C outside today, so we decided to stay in and do some housework. Unfortunately, the second Paula began washing the floor, the water froze. Instantly. We thought you might find it amusing!
VIDEO: GGC – Winter Van Life: Trying to Wash the Floor at -42°C
It’s -42°C outside today, so we decided to stay in and do some housework. Unfortunately, the second Paula began washing the floor, the water froze. Instantly. We thought you might find it amusing!
That's crazy cold! We are expecting 90*F (32*C) this coming Tuesday here in SoCal. What a drastic difference!
Never waste an opportunity. Get your skates on and video the first Guy and Grrl Hockey Match.
I think it is time to break out the ice skates.
lol guys, stay warm:)
Now THAT'S cold!
ughhhh we had another cold night in Key West as well. I think it got down to 65*F last night…. bwahaha
LOL! Now that's cold! 15 degrees Fahrenheit here and 2 inches of new snow – practically a heat wave.
Oh my gosh! Stay warm, you two!!
I don't understand how you can stay warm in your van at those temps. There's no way the furnace in my 30 ft class c would keep it warm at -30c.
Use vinegar and water won't freeze peace
I drove a big truck for years one night in Montana crawled in my sleeper heater going full blast about 74 deg f I put a bottle of water on the floor woke up and it was half frozen solid but the water on top was the coldest, most refreshing water I ever drank
Short but sweet and funny video, sounds like a Chinese food menu item.
You really should show it when you throw boiling water from a cup outside into the cold air and see if it is cold enough to quickly flash into steam and nothing reach the ground. Maybe it has to be colder, I don't know.
low 90's in the southern california desert today as i am harvesting my tomatoes…suppose to 'cool' to upper 80"s tomorrow…problems arise if i have to wear long paints as i don't know how to walk with them on…
It's freezing here in Ottawa, Some good old Canadian weather !
I love that ya'll are like "haha cool video idea, guess we'll clean later!" and find complete joy in the whole thing when complaining about the cold/ruined cleaning plans is such a common reflex for us. Thank you! May many, many more happy things happen to you both!!
Off topic, Do you have wedding photos/videos you'd want to share?
I have those rubber foam? interlocking tiles for the winter. They act as an insulator for the floor and work very well. I bought the grey ones at Costco. If you like color though they sell them at Walmart for kids play areas. They are easily removed for cleaning and cut with scissors or a utility knife to fit to your floor
Hey guys, it is going to get in the mid 80's here in Phoenix. It may hit 90 degrees before February is gone. Those temps you are having in Canada are way cold.
that's cold. hope you guys have a carpet or blanket or so to cover that cold ground … must be not really funny to walk in socks on such a floor …
when my inlaws shifted to another place during winter we had exactly same problem whiles cleaning the floor, means there was suddenly a mm of ice there – my father inlaw put some spirit in the water, that helped.
Wow! No bare feet, I take!
Thanks for the humor! -40C is actually -40F!!!! It was -15F (-26C) in Saratoga Springs, NY last weekend and the city lost a lot of the pressure in the gas mains because of the high usage. So glad that you are keeping warm, laughing and loving your life. Thanks for sharing it with us. Blessings, Devorah (whose 90 Westie is safely in the garage til spring)
Where the heck is it -42? I'm in Canada too, and it's been hovering around 0 most of the winter! But I'm in Saskatchewan, and we're benefiting greatly from El Niño. I think we hit the -20s for like a week, and then it went back to 0.
geez I couldn't imagine getting that cold!
you could always move to florida or arizona.
That's funny! Maybe put some antifreeze with the corner. Lol. ONLY KIDDING!!!
Oh ma gawsh that's cold. We're near Toronto – thank goodness it wasn't so bad here this winter…and we're in a house with a furnace! Brrrr.