A snow dusting? Maybe an inch or two? Oh, no… how about ice instead? Winter life on a homestead in the Tennessee Mountains…
Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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not good that put a lot of power out ….be safe
hope y'alls doing ok
hope you don't loose power…stay safe and warm!
Ugh. Ice. This is just God's way of telling us to slow down. Even though you still have chores to do. We started out with snow up in VA. We're getting ice later I think. Stay safe and stay warm.
, it's pretty but the last ice storm we had a couple weeks ago took down a lot of limbs on our pine trees. of course the Goats loved all the branches
our original forecast in our area of Western NC was snow but around 3am they changed it to all ice. Its "warmed up" to 34 around 2-3pm so everything is slick & will be black ice after dark.
Hate when that happens
The clip is actually very peaceful to watch. Having said that… it's terrible on the utility lines. Stay warm. – AJ
Oh boy, its headed my way too!
that was your first (almost) silent movie. I liked it. Good job.
Seeing all that ice makes me glad I live down here in Florida. Looks like your dog loves the weather and I just love those Silkies. So sweet. Stay warm.
I guess you got the ice storm they were calling for us to get…and didn't. I'm sorry that y'all got it but I'm really, really glad that we didn't. I like ice even less than snow! Stay safe, we don't want you falling and breaking something.
yuck! ice can be much harder to deal with I think. At least it looks like its melting. We got the snow for ya in Ohio. lol
Pretty on the horizon, put deadly on the back steps. gotta love those ice storms. cheers!
We had snow yesterday ( PA) that turned in to sleet and now it is suppose to rain all day today thankful the temperature has gone up to 43 now. Sure makes chores more pleasant. haha Ready for spring
Here, we call your weather a silver thaw.
Used to live in the foothills of NC. Got freezing rain and ice storms on a regular basis. Nasty stuff and nearly impossible to drive on when everything is covered in a large sheet of ice.
Here in the PNW close to the Columbia River Gorge we are very familiar with freezing rain! Nasty stuff!
thinking about getting electric fence this year, how does the ice effect it?
I just got back from your neck of the woods! We stayed in Chattanooga for a night and saw look out mountain national park. I can't wait to get some land out there. The area is gorgeous!
You folks can't be too far away from us !!! We're on the plateau and visit Muddy Pond on a fairly regular basis. Just found you and subbed. JOY
Come what may, I love winter