January 30, 2025

VIDEO: 2016 Starting my seeds earlier this year

Many challenges over the past year. Still working to reorganize. Gardening is one that will absolutely not be dropped. Trying a bit of early seed stating to see if it will overcome one of the problems I’ve had in past years.

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2016 Starting my seeds earlier this year

  1. i'm way behind i like to start my seeds around feb 1st. maybe i'll get to it tomorrow. the doctor says i've got bladder cancer, it has set things back a bit.

  2. Good luck. I am trying early too, this year. The climate has changed so much. I did not get broccoli till fall. I set out a few sprouts of broccoli a couple gays ago. Will keep adding a few at a time. To see what happens. I know the price of cauliflower has been over $5 a head the past year or so.

  3. Not really doing anything different. I will probably plant okra, okra and more okra. Couldn't resist. Several different thing. I finally have two raised beds to play with. So far I really like them. Best wishes Bob.

  4. I have some okra seed that I bought here might have a better chance here. The fermenting sounds good I love sour kraut. I know what you mean with learning to garden in the north and I am from the UK but it's still hard to get it right here. Saw lettuce starts today for sale. And we going to get more snow next week

  5. I feel like I am behind on starting things this year. Last year I was starting things in February, but I suppose now that I think about it, the first seeds I started this year was on the 23rd. I did not start a lot though. I had four, old, Purple Tiger pepper seeds left in a package that I don't expect to germinate. I did a couple small pots of celery, and four pots of rhubarb. Actually, just before watching this video I planted some Black Cherry tomatoes. (I am curious to see if they are any different from Chocolate Cherry tomatoes.) I discovered last year that I actually really like Chocolate Cherry tomatoes right off the plant! (I have never been a raw tomato eater. I tend to just like them on sandwiches or cut up small in a salad.)

    For an experiment I tossed some Tuscan (Lacinato) kale, Swiss chard, Broccoli, a couple types of peas outside at the end of January. No sign of life yet. It just has not been that cold.

  6. Sorry to say, but you may not be able to grow a good crop of okra, i needs about 70 degree soil to start and a long hot spell to put on a lot, and plenty of water. Good luck..

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