A simple 2 ingredient homemade laundry detergent that is working great and saving money for us on the homestead! Borax free!
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Best machine is an old top loader. The new he front loaders are trash. I've had both.
Is this biodegradable?
No skinning cats please!!
Loved your video! I’d love to make you two questions
First) You said you make a liquid detergent, could you maybe make a video (or just quickly write a response) on how you make that? That would be awesome.
Second) I loved the fact that you showed the “basic” recipe so that anyone can add anything they like. Maybe you can tell us what other things you usually like to add to your homemade detergents. You talked about lemon essential oil for de-greasing, but do you have other tips and tricks for further ingredients you can add?
Thanks again for a super clear and straight forward video! Have a great day!
Hi can you make a vid on liquid version
Hey there are you still using this??
Thanks much
Just a tip, Zote flakes can be frugally made at home if you don't mind a little extra work and some time. Take a bar of Zote, grate it with a cheese grater (you can even use the side that will make the widest shavings), place the shavings on a baking sheet or large dish (be sure to label it as soap because it will look like shaved coconut), and let it dry out at room temp for 3 days or so. You'll know it's dry when it easily crumbles in your hands and it will have a crisp sound. Place the flakes in a baggie or mason jar (be sure to clearly label and keep out of children's reach) and that's it!
Is there one for dark loads???
Well thank you for your video, after reading all the comments I am worried about my plumbing using certain waxy soaps. Could you tell me what recipe for home laundry soap is the best??
Are you still using this method? How has it worked for you?
I like the way you did your video right to the point. Thank you and have a good day
So what we learn today?
That people should make more use of labels on their jars?
I would avoid Zote, but use Borax and some plant based soap.
Thanks for sharing, I will try this, I love making home made stuff
Zote is now $8.00 per bar. Walmart does not have it either, very hard to find. The flakes are more expensive than the bar. The Arm and Hammer is expensive too.
Can i do this in a blender? I have the ninja
I have HE washing machine but I put the detergent inside the drum. I also use cold settings and they come out clean. No clumps.
What's wrong with borax?
Wonderful! I can get this and already use the pink bar. Thank you!
My ingredients have been sitting around for awhile, but now I'm finally ready to try this. I recently moved to a house that runs on a septic system, and that makes me nervous. However, I think this recipe will be fine as long as I measure it out and use hot water to turn the detergent into a liquid before adding to the machine.
I think I'm fixing to start your videos from the beginning. I am always hunting something to stream while I am working around the house.
I have made this, but with Borax. Am trying this as time to make more. And yes, my original recipe works great in a HE machine. This is one less ingredient, meaning machine doesn't get the buildup. Thank you. Will try.
This is terrific i put i container of oxy clean I get at the dollar store with the zote and washing soda works great. Girl you just keep on keeping on
Is this what you still use?