March 18, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 52 – How Do We Shower While Living Full Time In A Van?

  1. New subscriber from exploring alternatives! Im only 20 years old and a student but you guys are literally my life goals, I want do you exactly what you did / are going to do 🙂 Im excited to follow your life adventures! Your awesome 😀

  2. Loving your channel guys. We hope to be full timing some time in the near future in our class"B". We recently started a channel. Feel free to check it out. Happy travels !!! : )

  3. I just watched all your videos today and wowww! I love you guys, the way you are, how you are together and the way you are looking at life! Please keep posting your videos so we can keep going on this adventure with you! XOXO

  4. Definitely know that life! Lots of ymcas in California ( like LA) there are 7 day free passes! Haha we are living in a 82 Westfalia camper buttercup! We just started making videos! It would be amazing if u could check it out! Thank you (:

  5. Just watched your video on "Exploring Alternatives" Channel and it was very well done. Would be nice if you put a link up maybe on your channel for everyone to watch and then they can meet them as well if they don't already follow them. 🙂 I just happened on to it as I follow them too. Excellent video and I learned things from you that I didn't know even considering I've been following you since the very beginning. 🙂 If anyone else reads this comment here is the link. 🙂

  6. Yes. Showering on the road is key. A benefactor donated a great little battery operated shower, that I havent had the opportunity to use, yet. I'm anxious to get on the road, but a radiator problem is keeping me grounded for a while.
    I've been following your channel for a while, but not commenting. Thanks for sharing your adventure. It does make things easier, when I know that others are doing similar things.

  7. Been looking through your videos. Can't seem to find what year of dodge you drive. is it A 1989 Dodge B350 with a 5.9 L engine and a 727 3 speed transmission?  How does your transmission hold up. These generally don't have a lot of power in them for hills etc. Are you slower on mountains?

  8. when you have full time job how do you have time to be out on the road
    btw new subscriber found you from exploring alternatives! 🙂

  9. Our homestead has no plumbing, but we do have a clean water stream, so we get all our water from there. We usually take sponge baths, and we wash each other's hair. Typically a sponge bath takes no more water than 2 mixing bowls 1/2 full (one for washing, one for rinsing), and hair washing takes about 1/2 gallon each for our long hair. When it is warm we wash up outside, and get to water the trees and plants at the same time (using environmentally friendly soaps and shampoos). When it is cold we wash up inside the cabin or the camper (which also does not have working plumbing), or if we happen to be visiting our folks, we take nice hot, long showers there. Now that's luxury, lol. We have learned we do not need to use much water at all to wash ourselves well.

  10. I guess that you can't just use a pop up shower with biodegradable low sudz soap in a public place like a Walmart parking lot?
    I mean obviously you'd have barriers between you and onlookers 'such as a pop up canopy with side walls'

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