March 26, 2025

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Food Forest, A Paradise For All

  1. Did not know if you got to watch my last update have some grape cuttings i did in it , used hormex #3 and have a lot of takes on what would be wast from trimming. some even have grape blossoms on ,which i have picked off

  2. I love that food forest, I will be beginning my food forest in a few weeks time and I hope that it will come out as well as yours has. Mine will only be about 55 m2 but hey that's good right. Thanks for the tour I really enjoyed it

  3. This video is just pure happiness James <3 Thanks for sharing a piece of your paradise with us. Hope to have a paradise just like yours one day. I live on an acre property but I have to share it with 4 dogs so I can't take up all their space haha. Cheers! xxx

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