July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Early season planting strategies

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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Early season planting strategies

  1. Apparently your dry enough to prep your beds. It won't stop raining long enough for us to do any field work here in Ohio. We use lots of tunnels also as soon as we can plant but out in the country winds and storms wreak havoc on covers. We have to use them on brassicas or the bugs get the crop.

  2. This is a great idea and can be used in any size garden it seems. Who should I contact about the Digital Tools Packet.zip that I received from buying the book?  It would not work off of the download and now I believe my download link has expired.

  3. Ordered just now ! From Odessa tx . Thanks for the time you take to answer YouTube comments. I was gonna order and your Farmer 2 Farmer interview put me in gear thanks .

  4. You have the best content in the agricultural space right now on YouTube. Its practical, concise, and on point with many different subjects. I definitely consider you my mentor. =) Current Mentors: Curtis Stone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Joel Salatin, Jean Martin, Anthony Robins, Geoff Lawton, and Casey Neistat. Nice little list of names you've joined. Rock on brother.

  5. And one more thing,………… The people who complain that they are not getting a cinematic experience equivalent to highly produced and staged content are annoying and totally miss the point. Your system of farming and recording is high velocity and minimalist in equipment & input to yield higher production and value. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, everything for farming and recording gets transported ON A BIKE and is utilized in real time on a fast paced farm where weather is uncertain! Kudos to you, I don't see anyone else on this continent or any other that rocks it half as well as you do ! ! ! ! ! "Keep On Rockin In The Free World" my northern brother……………………………………………….

  6. I love your videos; I watch them every day. I already started planting seeds indoors and I did notice that they are growing quicker than the ones outside. Now to go to your website and order your book. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The book and also the videos are great. Just got some land to grow on just to feed myself and family. Noting your methods is going to save me a lot of time while maximizing my growing season. What you grow is what I've been buying from food stores and eating on a daily basis, I rarely eat cooked food at home.

    I'm grateful that you have found the time to share the work you are doing since I'll benefit from this in a big way. Thank you.

  8. I'm rather a newbie at growing anything but are you planting now directly into the ground before the last frost date? So the poly tunnels keep the soil warm enough even during frost? Do you add heating or anything else? Just bought your book, by the way. I'm amazed at what you've done and enjoyed hearing you talk about your practices on permaculture voices and farmer to farmer. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  9. Thanks for answering my last question about Spinach on one of your other videos. The question I have today is with Radish. My are doing great but i watched your video on Radish and was wondering if/when using the Earthway seeder and the Radishes are thick. Do you then them or harvest the ones that are ready then wait on the others to become ready. Also if you would like to follow my Facebook page Trinity Organics to see kinda of where the Farm is/going over the next couple of months.

  10. Sorry Curtis, someone below commented about receiving a digital tools packet from buying your book. I was wondering what that was. I have your book, (think it's great) and don't want to miss something. Very much enjoy your videos too.

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