March 24, 2025

VIDEO: 5 EASY Methods to Prevent Mold When Seed Starting

Ths problem occurs very often in seed starting. Mold is a problem that
is left can overtake your plants and is a sign of rot. In this episode
we discuss 5 simple ways to prevent mold when starting your seeds.
Hopefully this will give the seedlings a fighting chance!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 EASY Methods to Prevent Mold When Seed Starting

  1. Started my seeds (thyme Marjoram and Tarragon) in cardboard egg cartons, which brought me here. Might try again with the cinnamon idea, baking soda and fan, thank you!!

  2. Thank's. I seen videos on using egg cartons in place of plastic. I learned my lesson, don't do it indoors. My Wife and I are allergic to mold and couldn't figure out why we were plugging up. A lesson learned early, it could have been worse. We have a 45 1/2 foot apartment balcony and plan on around 80 or more containers in our Garden. I was ready to throw everything in the garbage that we started from scratch, over 500 plant's, until I listened to this video. I hope we can save them.

  3. You're right about newspaper.  I was planting 3 trays of cactus seeds in a flat.  They require lots of humidity to sprout.  I boiled all the soil ingredients but line the 3 trays with newspaper.  A week in I looked in at the seedling and they were starting to sprout nicely but a mold was starting also.  I could see it had stared on the news paper where two of the trays were touching and was fanning out into both tray.  I promptly grabbed a bottle of rubber alcohol a spoon and some q-tips to start mold clean up. ventilated a bit more and I will see how that goes today.  The interesting thing is the one tray that was not touching the others was clean.  That was lucky as I only have 2 trays that need attention instead of 3.

  4. In another video you say you use violet mix and worm castings. Also compost for your other seeds. I have constant problems with mold with seed trays. I’m a little confused with what soil I should use? Thanks

  5. Thank you for your video, this is the first yr. I decided to be helpful to the mother earth by using biodegradable seed starter pods instead of my plastic ones and I have a fast growing mold on all 30 of them, I currently starting to see the seeds sprout but the mold is vigorous on top and outside of the pods, if i'm understanding you correctly my question is: Should I disgaurd all 30 and start again with my plastic ones so I don't infect not only my already establish garden??

  6. My problem is I have seed that require high humidity. If I start them outside the squirrels will disturb the soil. so I'm planting them inside in plastic bins with a cover to create the high humidity. So I guess I just need to spray my soil.

  7. i am starting Million Bells. they are just pressed into the surface and dampened. they haven't sprouted 'yet' but they should anyday now. can i still use the baking soda trick? does the Baking soda not hurt the root (because the root comes out before we see sprouts right?? thanks in advance…

  8. Now I understand why sprouted seeds are not growing because of mold …but many tell to wrap with plastic cover until seeds germinate and so I did it…but which is correct ? to cover it or not ? since mold is forming every time. please help. Thankyou.

  9. Hi Luc I just bought a urban cultivator commercial to grow wheat grass and sundflower The sundflower have mold I use sunshine mix 4 professional growing mix the temperature is about 23c humidity 61c when I first water them I do it for 10 minutes I was wondering if I use the coco substrate + sea weed algues for nutriment, insted of sunshine mix and 5 or 6 minutes of watering, do you thing it's a good thing to do. To prevent the mold I have been growing sunflower since 1990 before the urban cultivator unit never had that kind of problem

    Thank in advance
    french canadian

  10. I tried spraying the baking soda water on some seedlings planted in peat moss pellets because I had some translucent, thread-like fungus growing over them, and within 6-9 hours, the fungus was almost completely gone. Highly recommend the baking soda method!

  11. So I planted my seed and its starting to sprout but there are mold on them. Can I still mix the baking soda solution and spray on them or what can I do? This is my first time starting indoor seed

  12. I steep used cinnamon tea bags in hot water until I can smell the cinnamon. The put the liquid in a spray bottle and spray seedlings and soil. Works like a charm, killing fungus in 4-6 hours. I would not have tried this if not for your video comments on cinnamon. THX

  13. I feel like the harder I try the more problems I get lol
    I used to plant the odd seed or two in my old, dirty and rickety shed.. Never gave them much attention, but had no problems.
    Now I do it in my home and wow.. Problem after problem.. I've baked my potting mix (I believe its sterilisation?).. Still got mould. Tried Hydroponics.. Got bugs. Tried different mixes, no germination.. Kinda makes me feel incredibly dumb! I'll keep trying, be nice to succeed for once though!
    Going to try the baking soda for my fuzzy seeds, hope it works – thank you for the tips 🙂

  14. My problem is the ‘sour dishrag’ mildew smelling up my whole house! I did not see any mold. I had started seeds in plastic windowsill trays with a humidity cover, and within a day the smell permeated through my house! NO WAY!! It is one of the smells I can’t tolerate, so outside they went. I hope putting the trays in a protected south facing spot near the house will allow enough warmth for them to germinate. I know people start seeds indoors all the time, but never heard them mention the smell. Is this common? I don’t want to invest in a seed rack/grow light set-up until I’m sure this won’t happen.

  15. Mold is a enemy of ours in southern Ontario .. i use plastic starting cells for all my seedlings now with either peat coco coir the latter becoming the favourite. The peat pucks become a green moldy mess quickly!

  16. Need advice! (Very newbie in zone 9a) I plan on using peat pellets to start dragonwing begonias from seed. I saw some advice about using chamomile tea to expand my pellets which helps prevent mold. I also heard about cinnamon. What do you think if I use cinnamon stick & chamomile tea water to expand the pellets. Is that too much? Will that hurt the seedlings?

    Side note: I'm so excited to get started in January/Feb!

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