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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.
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Thanks for sharing your brain !!!
thanks for the video. it would be great to see how you prepare for your day at the farmers market.
I'd like to know about building a greenhouse the hows, plans, where to get supplies etc. much thanks you're doing amazing things
looks great Curtis! When did you start seeding those large tomato plants? Thanks for sharing your vids I'm hooked. Wouldn't mind daily updates
Love the farming bike shirt. Glad to see two of my favorite things colliding.
P.S. Also love the little Urban Farmer tune, which I assume you composed yourself with your music background
Yo Rock Star! Good to see you having some fun going down memory lane with some mates. I'm sure it was a blast.
The "Weekly Updates" are AWESOME! They are great mixed in with your more specific videos. They give a macro perspective of micro contributions. This selling season is looking real good for you and I'm glad.
Do you reserve most of your produce for restaurants and chefs rather than meeting demands at farmers markets? With limited food this time a year I would like to know how you go about distributing food so you can meet everyone's needs.
Don't know if you've already answered this question but do you let some of your crops go to seed so that you can use them for your next growing season?
Looked like a productive week with solutions to problems !!
Been wondering how much seed you go through ever season? Bet it's a bunch.
I am running a small CSA in Destin fl. I'd like to speak with you some for council.
Great update. I am a new subscriber and look forward to checking out your other videos. I am in Ontario, north of Toronto and I grow for a local farmers market. I have a decent size garden and two hoop houses.
Keep the videos coming…
How do you like salanova? I was thinking about using it and a few buddies of mine already are. But the seed is so expensive, 5k seeds for $150 usd. Do you have a less expensive source?
Nice. I noticed aphids like peppers. Whenever i have bug problems its back to basics-organic sprays. A couple remedies are sprays like tomato leaf juice because of the acidity (if severe-with garlic to really thwart the bugs) copper solution, neem oil, straight soap. I run through these or even in combination- use a new one each day until pests are annihilated. Or like youre doing get a predatory bug to wipe out your pests. Ladybugs attack spider mites by the way. Not sure about aphids
ever use lady bugs to eat aphids? How cold are your winters there?
Good stuff Curtis, love the weekly updates. I really should check out the farmers market in Kelowna.
if you didn't import aphids on bedding plants,
my thinking is the aphids on your kale did not get killed in your home grown compost
You are busy with a lot of many things going on…Great!
as ever, an excellent video – informative but most importantly, personally, really motivational. Thankyou
Dubois will ship to the US. I've ordered a few things from them this season.
We have aphids real bad every year coming out of winter going into spring. We are even seeing flea beetles in the greenhouse already.
Hi Curtis, Great update. That's a lot of produce at the beginning of the season looking forward to see how the new beds will do. Good to hear that aphids problem is sorted .
Well hello from Montreal! You have some nice weather there, we just got another snowfall
I really love what you are doing out there and love your videos!
Nice PV shirt
Hi Curtis, we are enjoying all your videos and information!!! We need sand/gravel type bags as well for our hoops – you mentioned Dubois Ag for the grow bags – is there another name for them as we cannot find them on their website! Thanks for all the great growing you're doing!
I'm sorry but when you say "no-till". What does it mean?
thank you so much for posting these videos! ….Although, I am trying to get a farm up and running and every time I feel like I've learned a lot and am making progress, I watch something that makes me feel overwhelmed and like I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. It is really hard for me to find the right pace to move forward.
Wasps in the greenhouse? Fuck. That… Glad the aphid problem will be eliminated, but that sounds miserable.
Hi Curtis!
what kind of landscape fabric do you use? and what size suggest to buy narrow pieces (like 4'-6'x300') or the bigger the better?