February 1, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Rhubarb from Seed for Productive Plants

This is the easy tutorial to growing rhubarb from seed. Watch us planting rhubarb grown from seed in our lazy bed video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE2pLLe2UZA
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Thumbnail for this video: https://www.flickr.com/photos/clg20171/16345323381/in/photolist-agnXWt-bQJPc2-4heFth-bH2coV-qUo4bn-NRjZ4-8aa8AM-8adoyu-2TLvzR-9TisA7-abVKxc-bAMkEY-dDTHcQ-6qbQcJ-bvGG6-9ohY1f-hQMN6-afprHG-8T1KUN-2EhzK-6q7Fzz-bmtYSs-9rwPYo-4N4Z3S-bQT66-gUYfD-HBbeDQ-4TAEHs-2TLvTt-LBEZr-8hjuK1-9o7zG7-9ySewf-aa8gdr-H2BD6-2TQWju-6ijVVq-6e9M7F-23DLY-86goab-5tecHD-dQfLN-6pUpAj-LRqCM-89oWRh-9tvnrM-57NUzf-4F3FV4-3AfHM-6aRrVA

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Rhubarb from Seed for Productive Plants

  1. I absolutely adore what you do, this my first time trying my hand at gardening .And I'm filling confident about it…….Apart from the chickens eating my tomato plants ; ( Sweet corn & butternut squash looking good…..I planted 3 squash' and there all growing at different rates…..Still experimental this year……ALL the best ….I she'll be visiting the woods today, to find lots of lovely leaves to compost. And to put in my raised beds……I'M LOVEING IT!!!!!!!!! JOjo

  2. A friend gave some seeds from US to grow in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is winter time here (June – Sept) with temperatures ranging from 55 to 75 F. Any tips? Tks.

  3. I've been doing rhubarb from seed (I want to select breed, just to weed out the ones that bolt early). Have you had any problems with seed grown plants going to seed early in the season?

  4. I’ve grown mine from Victoria seeds. All germinated and made sturdy plants by end of August. They’re huge big stalks and leaves left on that haven’t yet been cut by frost. I’m amazed , if they come up next season I think I will be able to harvest a few sticks. Well worth doing!

  5. I don't like pencil for labels as it tends to wear off easily, I find a sharpie and popsicle sticks work well and are cheap.

    also you're not really supposed to add compost to starter mix.

  6. What is soil? Please define. I know what compost is but is soil just any old mud from outside? Does this take a year to get to that size in the vid? What time of year to plant seeds? Thanks

  7. Seeds are easier and better than root cutting. My 8 rhubarb plants I seeded in April this year are now bigger than the one you planted last year after a little bit more than 2 months of growth.

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