March 22, 2025

VIDEO: A little present – Allotment Grow How

As a thank you for reaching 1000 subscribers, I’m giving away this 3 Top Windowsill Propagator. Please share my Allotment Grow How Channel and then write in the description box below ‘Pick Me’ and I will choose a winner picked at random in next weeks video.

“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: A little present – Allotment Grow How

  1. Congratulations on reaching 1000! I would love another propagator (can you ever get to many? hehe) so Please pick me! And thank you for all the videos. Keep up the good job! 🙂

  2. We had a cat like him (Monash) a really friendly fella but he died of old age unfortunately… that's life. Congrats on the 1K subs Adam you deserve it! Don't send it to me because A – I don't need one and B – the postage to Australia would cost a fortune. Cheers 🙂

  3. 'Pick me'! And Gem says 'pick me' too (can we get two separate entries?!). Anyway, congratulations on the big 1000, totally deserved. I really appreciate all of the work that goes in to them and I always look forward to a new one coming. Great work Mr. Adam 🙂 Jazz.

  4. PICK ME! I hate digging also. Love your kitty, he's a cutie. I will share you with my daughter-in-law as she loves gardening also. I will also share you with her father, as he's a gardener too. Although, if I share you, they may try and win the proigator (sp?) and that causes competition. Oh, bother! Did I tell you I hate digging also? Love your videos and think they will enjoy also. God Bless and take care. Molly my cat thinks your kitty looks interesting.

  5. Pick me please, this video really made me laugh, I have shared it everywhere (as you asked), but the 'snail mail' was a non starter, they were on strike and even if they had been on duty they said the item was too heavy for their shells. I'm glad the 1000 subscribers mark did not make you have a stroke with excitement, (I see behind you on the board that you know what to do anyway so that OK) Having said that the cat looks like he might actually like a stroke, mine love them, you don't have to act FAST nor call 999. Keep the videos coming they are great. If I win, I will give them to a friend of mine who has recently taken on an allotment with me helping in the sidelines. After being on her own for 7 years she thought it would be a great way to meet new people and possibly a nice new man. I am helping her on this venture but so far we have only come across very short Italian men all in their 70's, who grow lots of tomatoes and make rude jokes about growing melons called Titi's . . .

  6. Pick me . congratulations to you on getting to 1000 great video I will have to start mine up again I gave up after 4 no one watched them lol good luck to you

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