March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Spinach – Complete Growing Guide

In this episode we will be walking you through the complete growing
guide for growing organic spinach. Having this delicious green in the
garden is something that everyone should experience. It is easy to grow
and is a very cold hardy, early spring vegetable that takes very few
days to mature. grow spinach today!
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Spinach – Complete Growing Guide

  1. fertilizer: dont buy any. make your own. You learn much better that way. Grass clippings from mowning the lawn for example. soak in a bucket of water for 3 days and turn it every day 2 times. then sieve out the wet grass. chuck the gras into your compost pile and keep the liqiuid for feeding. free fertilizer. the next time you go for a walk, grab a riucksack and fill it with tree sticks that have broken off over winter. burn them and spread the ashes over alkaline loving lettuce

  2. You may not see this as vid is 4 yrs old. However, do mice eat spinach leaves? Had many seedlings at first 3-4 leaves, and then were gone and plants are green stems, but stripped. Should I care for them or start over? Is it too late in high desert at mid May??? 51 d at nite, 83 d daytime temps???

  3. Hmmm, I was hoping to grow my own spinach this year but if it’s best grown in the spring, I might have to wait until next year to grow. Since my garden won’t be ready probably until june or some time next week. How best could I make sure I don’t have a lot of bugs attacking my spinach? Last time I tried growing, the poor spinach was being eaten by bugs

  4. Hey, does anyone know what country this tutorial is for? I am in Australia so I’m trying to figure out what season he is referring to when he says for example June. June would be winter for Aus but summer for US or UK for example.

  5. Hello! Would you recommend growing spinach in a container in the same manner you grew lettuce in your "How to Grow Lettuce in a container" video?

  6. *early spring
    *Bolts quickly
    *Can be combated with temperature
    *Plant beans after spinach to help replenish nitrogen
    *Can use blood meal. High in nitrogen but lacks phosphorous and potassium.
    *Go ahead and be a little laid back with the spacing.
    *Don't dig fertilizer too deep so seedling can take advantage of the fertilizer and the plant has a good start.
    *Sprinkle seeds in square foot. Remember, be more laid back about it.
    *Seeds are cheaper then starts but it's much more economic to plant seeds then use starts. You have more control with how you want your seeds grown when you use seeds to grow spinach.

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