March 18, 2025

VIDEO: The Importance of Fertilizing Perennials & How to Do It

Early spring fertilizing of perennials is important and very crucial
for the success of your plant. In today’s episode we talk about how to
fertilize strawberries, but this will apply to asparagus, artichokes,
rhubarb, fruit trees, shrubs, and berry bushes.
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Importance of Fertilizing Perennials & How to Do It

  1. Hi Luke I transplanted my strawberries into a raised tower with fresh compost last weekend, they look so sad and some of the new growth has dried up. What did I do wrong?? Please help I welcome any advice.

  2. These forest edge plants (including a lot of other perennials and small and large fruit bushes and trees) typically benefit from fungally dominated composts a lot more than just fertilizing. (leaves, woodchips, manured woodshavings, aged compost) I don't really know why people buy fungi in a bag when you can so easily grow it yourself on chunky brown compost with a lot of woody and leafy components. You can mulch it under the plants and let it break down right there but never work it into the soil. It's the bare soil that is harming the perennials more than anything else. The soil life that sustains the heavy feeding perennial through the year needs to feed and needs to have protection year round. Fertilizing is fine but don't forget the covering.

  3. In your experience, which is the best form of fertilizer, then….liquid?…powder?…or seed-type? And what are the advantages and drawbacks of each of those forms?
    Thanks, Luke. 🙂

  4. still can't hear you. turned speaker on phone all the way up and is a good speaker. I would like to suggest that you make you videos louder because it is easier for your viewers to turn down there speakers

  5. Nice my Strawberries didnt make much fruit last year. just alot and alot of runners. started with 3 plants had almost 30 by the end of the season and took one of those runners to my grandparents which turned into 4 additional plants over there. Are their conditions to make strawberries make runners vs fruit?

  6. hey luke I just transplanted 84 strawberry runners into a newish bed and wanted to know if I need to cut flowers and runers off next year in order to have large fruit? Also would I fertilize the runners after transplant. I am zone 8b. Thanks in advance.

  7. When I took a soil sample and sent it in, we need 5 lbs of N every 6 months, no P for 5 yrs, and a small amount of K. I was so used to putting a whole fertilizer or using blood meal, bone meal, muriate of potash, but now my bone meal (P) is way too high.

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