March 20, 2025

VIDEO: FINALLY – I've Got Grapes!

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I planted this grapevine two years ago, and I just wanted to share this super quick video with you the exciting news – finally, I’ve got grapes! Will post more updates as they grow!


Planting a Grapevine in a 5 Gallon Bucket:

Pruning a First Year Grapevine:

How to Build an Easy DIY Grapevine Trellis:

Watch the entire $10 GARDEN SERIES – learn how to grow a garden from start to finish in a quick, simple and inexpensive way :

$10 GARDEN SEED KIT – easy-to-grow seeds for an entire vegetable garden:: CaliKim subscribers: Use the coupon code CALIKIM10 (all caps) for a 10% discount off your $10 Garden Kit!



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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: FINALLY – I've Got Grapes!

  1. You get grapes the "second" year as they are supposed to form on the previous year's cane…which is why the vineyards leave two canes on each plant when they trim back I fall. I had grapes on mine last year, but unfortunately I got powdery mildew or something…and pretty much wiped them out. Good Luck!…hope yours come to fruition.

  2. Kim! This is great! I am so insanely happy for you. We have yet to get grape vines, but I know they take forever to fruit so the longer I wait the worse it will be I think! Have you still been aggressively pruning? I was speaking to a vineyard owner here and he said that they don't aggressively prune their vines until year 3 so that the plant builds up lots of energy.

  3. watch them with caution every day! my grapes were halfway grown, I was so happy looking at them grow little by little, and I come back and hour later, and the birds took every last one. protect them as much as possible so you don't end up like me

  4. I enjoyed your videos on the grape vine. I got one that was nearly dead and planted it in my garden. I had almost given up then this year I got tons of grapes and the vine is doing great. Cant wait to eat some grapes.

  5. I'm just watching this now but I'm wondering if the wire trellis gets hot enough to burn or damage the grapevine plant? Your's looks healthy but in hot weather it seems like the wire would heat up and burn the plant. Thank and keep up the great work!

  6. this is just for info on starting new grape vines first off they are prone for problems that require spraying captain for one to give them the best chance dont plant in a pot it will be pot bound in a couple of yrs next dont plant near a wall or fence it need plenty of sun shine and wind for polination they are best grow on a wire about 4 ft high about 24 ft long with plant in the middle at 12 ft next have wire running north an south not east and west (sun exposure )takea about 3 yrs for vines to reach 12ft each direction remember this take off any thing from gd up to the wire Waisted eneregyonly have leaves on the wire wait till 4 yr to prune only have 1 main runner on wire take off all others have side laterals spaced the dist between your thumb and little finger spread takoff any thing in between do this in late fall it will grow next spring with grapes aplenty rember grapes come only on the new wood that s why you prune good luck

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