It’s time to plant potatoes up on the mountain here at Appalachia’s Homestead. I take you through the process and what works great for us! Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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Really enjoyed this video, excellent information and so helpful. I do have a question though, are there any bugs, virus' or fungus' you need to worry about and if so how do you normally treat them? I'm in Australia so I realise we might face different problems but I'd still be keen to know you're personal take on it.
Cannot wait to dig up my potatoes later this summer. I'm about to break my arm patting myself on the back for the great job I've done with textbook planting (according to youtube videos). I know what you mean about tomato rows. They get so big and so many yucky bugs, who wants to brush up against that? Kudos to you and your channel for sharing your technique. I enjoy your peaceful demeanor.
I would be curious to hear your thoughts on square foot gardening for those that don't have as much space (live in the city)
Definitely let us know how the sulfur works out. c:
Patera, Do you companion plant anything? I am just discovering this concept using it this year by planting onions with my potatoes. Supposedly this helps with pests. Anyway just curious if you have used it and if you have had any luck.
Can you make a video on making sweet iced tea?
Excellent information thank you so much! Going to experiment this year with just six plants. In another of your videos I thought you mentioned using Epsom salt, what would that be for?
What a sandy soil you have over there !
nice job will be planting tatars tomorrow
How do you store them?
Up here in Buffalo I have not been able to plant anything in my garden yet but they are waiting in my green house ready to go.
Great video! I'm going to remember the row spacing tip! Thx!
Where I live, we plant potatoes by St. Pat's Day. Mine are currently about knee high and beginning to set flower buds. Can't wait to get come out of the ground!
Just have to say that it is awesome that you got seed potatoes from MN, and the Red River Valley! I go to school in the Red River Valley!
Looks great Patara.
Do you plant potatoes like the back to Eden method?
i love your videos, god bless you and your family
We're Maryland planting our Yukon Gold potatoes in cement buckets with a few drainage holes in the bottom. I literally just used some older potatoes from the grocery store that started to seed, let them chillax for a few weeks in the pantry and started them in some really nice soil in a cement bucket. It's working out awesome and the potatoes are now about 6-7" tall and healthy looking. I planted them 3 weeks ago. Can't wait for my almost free potatoes.
It is timely to see this video today, I pulled my potatoes this afternoon. Kennebec's and Yukon Gold. I was very pleased, some are baked potato size. I didn't have time to weigh them but I'll do that tomorrow. And I do need to go over my row again to be sure there are no hidden ones left, it's just that the heat was pure fire today. The rain comes tomorrow but I did all I could just get them out of the ground, tomorrow I will work finely the soil and my plan is to follow up with sweet potatoes since the ground is loosened up already.
Thank you so much for the informative video! This will (hopefully) be my first year planting potatoes!
I've heard wood ash works like the sulfur but I have never tried it.
I am so thankful for this video. Of all the plants I've grown over the years potatoes give me the most trouble. I simply don't get it right. I'll try your methods this year and hopefully I'll harvest potatoes. Thank you. ~Sherrie in South Carolina
Great video gonna do this , how do you keep the straw from blowing away if you don't mind me asking