Today on Allotment Grow How it was time to sow some carrot and beetroot seed up at the plot. Once there it turns out I’ve had a few unwelcome visitors.
#Howtosowcarrots #howtosowbeetroot
“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
I also believe slugs/snails enjoy lupins : (
Good info! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Adam, you are so good at filming, just gets better and better! Your soil looks to be in good condition. I have sown some of my peas direct which is a first for me, reason being is that I usually sow them in the inners of toilet rolls, but I used most of what I saved for the sweet peas and couldn't catch up on saving the cardboards.( I tried feeding Brian Prune Juice but it had no effect, so just had to work with the tubes I had) Ha ha! I agree with you , I think you have a rabbit problem, nonetheless everything is well organised and working well. Stay safe, my friend.x
great update !! I've sown sweet candle carrots too !!! happy growing ???
Sorry to see your peas got nibbled. Those young plants look gorgeous and hopefully will do well for you though. The great thing about peas is that they grow quick so you can probably get another 2 maybe even 3 lots in before the weather goes. Best of luck dealing with the mice mate. All the best.
Hi, thanks for the update, I'm growing Swiss chard first time looking good so far fingers crossed thanks.
nice update. Enjoyed it
i think a stray cat pulled 4 of my corn seedlings out and didn't eat them, just plucked them up. lol Hope your next planting stays put.
Awesome update thank you for sharing Adam have a blessed day
Great intro Adam. The animals can definitely be a challenge. Best wishes Bob.
Where you have mice I have tree rats (squirrels). They don't eat the seed. They just dig them up while planting tree nuts in their stead. Can you say "tomato blossoms" on the plants? I'm about a month ahead of everyone else in the area. Grow lights in the house and that greenhouse in the backyard are both paying off in spades. I think when it's time to replace the kit greenhouse I'll build a larger one of wood. And this time… I wont put a floor in it, planting directly into the soil instead of pots. Great vid bud. Best of luck with those critters.
Oh no, sorry about your pea disaster. Bring your cat to the plot! Glad you have back-up. Nice music choice for the carrot sowing and some lovely editing touches as always. Look forward to the next one
Rabbits and mice are the bane of my life but every living thing has a right to life, live & let live. Protection is the way to go. Its a bit better now I have completed my rabbit fence. Best of luck Mike B
Better luck on the next round of beans. Nice video on the planting of the beets and carrots. TFS and keep growing, T.
Outstanding vlog, mate. Inform, educate, entertain, innit? Mind blowing visuals as usual.
Best of luck to you for the '16 season.
Hi Adam, I have soaked my peas in paraffin over night and it did work. They were not touched by the mice. My father had a allotment years ago and he always said that the mice will strip a row of peas over night. See you soon, Dave.
I all so had problems with mice and rats but got delt with good video keep them coming I got round to doing mine