March 27, 2025


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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: CROP FOCUS: Radish

  1. Curtis- I have been trying to grow radishes, but they often split before I can get them out. We are using raised beds, because of the clay in our soils makes it impossible to grow root veggies. Also, I calculated you are getting $4 a lb from restaurants, I struggle to get $1.75 a bundle retail- and 75 cents wholesale. It is just not worth it. I might raise them if I was getting that much for them. I can see that it would be profitable. In my situation, how would you move forward?

  2. Hi Curtis,I hope you are still watching this thread because I have a question.  I planted radishes early this year.  They were very slow to mature, but stranger yet some of the radish plants didn't develop a radish.  Why is that?  and What did I do wrong?They were grown in a green house, and watered regularly.  The leafs looked healthy, but in 50% of the cases no radish.Thanks,Kevin

  3. Curtis, do you have problems with your Radishes spliting or "exploding"? This is a problem that I have come across more times than not – not sure if it's the heat or just what I'm doing wrong that causes them to split open and turn out. Also, are radish greens edible?

  4. thanks – I'll try that. I tend to wait until they are the size I want rather than when they should be yanked out of the ground. I growing the Russian Rose – good radish

  5. Curtis, I'm so glad I discovered this channel. the information on here is so valuable even if you are just a home gardener -as in my case. I will definitely recommend this to my gardening friends

  6. Curtis, you didn't mention what type fertilizer (What the numbers are) you use for Radish's. That's one of the most important pieces of information for those of us just getting started. Appreciate the info bro..

  7. Glad you mentioned the 30day turnaround. The ones I was getting this year were sometimes split and super strong tasting…too long in the ground perhaps. I MUST calendar everything in 2017.

  8. Curtis my English are unfortunately very bad. I
    am interested in whether after the reaping of the Radish on the same
    bed again plant Radish or plant another vegetable variety? I have not quite understood this yet.

  9. I just ordered your book sorry it was from amazon. I'm not sure how you benefit from that but thank you. I really want to understand more of this. I'm in Columbia, South Carolina. Been watching videos for about three weeks now. I have squash tomatoes eggplant sunflowers and blueberry plants for personal consumption. Might sell some to people I know but it's on my rental property they said I can grow tomatoes and I'm going all out!

  10. Radishes. Love them can not wait to see a bed of them. I grow them already, but since ill be using your format. Its going to be interesting.

  11. Hey Curtis. I was reading your book and still have a question about storing radishes and greens like Kale, salad mix etc. If you have to sit on those radishes or greens for a week or so, how do you keep them fresh and prolong their life? I ask because I harvested about 5.5 lbs of radishes and I had to throw most of them out because the rotted in my refrigerator. I washed them and then patted them with a towel and then bagged and sealed them. Finally of course I put them in the refrigerator. So what went wrong?

  12. Can you tell me why there is this grayish discoloration on my radish? Is it a disease, or mold? I see them on many videos of other gardeners who grow them.

  13. I see that you have grown your radish in single file, and thickly, and for harvesting radish bulb, do you have to thin it like other shows? I haven't done it on the soil or for bulb selection, so this isn't a problem, but when it comes spring, should thinning be a problem of sacrificing seeds for bulbs production? thanks

  14. Hi Curtis, I love these crop focus videos. I have watched them multiple times over the years and it is always a good refresher. Thank you for these and your other videos!!!

  15. Do you focus on mild or hot or both. Do you just fine one or do you do different varieties. I have about 5 varieties growing but they are for our personal use. I like growing them and eating them if they are not too hot. Today I harvested a few white ones that were screaming hot. Good but hot.

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