in this growing guide we will be showing you how to grow swiss chard.
We will talk about temperature requirements, soil requirements, ph
requirements, and spacing. It is a very easy plant to grow and will
produce loads of food for you and your family.
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Good that you address overplanting. We just discussed this yesterday at my local seed-savers group. If you have the ability, it is always advised to overplant, and grow more than will feed your family. Count on loosing some plants, some will become diseased, affected by pests, and need to get culled. If you save seeds, certain plants will need to be devoted to seed saving, and forgo harvest for direct consumption.
How many plants can you put in a 5-gallon container?
Just bought and potted out seeds. Excited to see it grow.
For some reason, I can't grow chard. It just dies or gets eaten. But…I am going to keep trying.
Thanks for the great video. When you mentioned 'complete guide' I was hoping that you'd start from seed.
I bought some Ruby Red Swiss Chard seeds from MI Gardener last year and had the best growing season ever.. I've tried several other varieties such as the standard Green, and Bright Lights, but the Ruby Red was most prolific and had the largest leaves… Really beautiful plants.. I grew them in large containers ( plastic 1/2 barrels ).. I got 5 plants per barrel, and because I used containers, I was simply able to move them into partial light as the weather tuned hot..
Luke, have you tried growing "Perpetual Spinach" yet? I was told about it when I mentioned my spinach always bolts, as they said it's more bolt resistant, but is really a type of Swiss Chard that tastes like spinach? I would love to know your experience with it, and when buying seeds, to buy from you rather than another merchant. Thanks!
How is it your favorite and you've never grew it before? It doesn't make since. Do you grow it or don't you? Or maybe this is your first video of Swiss Chard. This video is supposed to be about Swiss Chard not soil.
I love Swiss chard
110*F today my chard wilts during the day but pops back up at night. easily makes it threw out winters. i have had my chard for 3 years now. keep harvesting. stay healthy.
Last year I did swiss chard in my garden it was nice this year I tried growing it again no luck I have alot of tree roots in my soil tree in my yard need cutting down
Love Swiss card. A awful pest I have had a big deal with this year is leaf miners. Any tips on these, other that mechanical maintenance? I have gone through with neem oil spray, removed the eggs, and killed the leaf grubs by is very tedious. Any other suggestions?
so if im growing in containers/pots, should I just use potting mix?
thanks mate I really like your information keep going !!
this is not a complete guide sadly I fell for your clickbait titles again
Question: I've never grown Swiss Chard and frankly never cooked any! However, got seeds today. Can it be grown in large container with indicated spacing? Any particular things to be aware of in terms of pot growing vs. soil? Thanks.
05:30 You seem to be planting a clump of seedlings. Would you recommend splitting up modules with multiple plants or treating everything in a module as one plant even though it may contain several?
I’ve always found for the most part a lot of things do not need to be spaced widely apart I grow spinach and radish and arugula and chard Ridiculously close and still get amazing huge harvest
I love Swiss chard, can I grow it in May? I live in Toronto Canada.
Love your channel
You didn’t mention how much to water
Is it possible to plant chard seeds in June and expect it to grow ?
Thanks so much for this helpful video! Is it normal for young plants to be so fragile? I have accidentally broken off a few leaves from trying to stabilize the plants.
When you talk about not being sold at the grocery, that so common with a lot of great greens.
boy, my raibow chards are only an inch or two high, but man, a few looked like they would be red, but then the colors started to swirl and mix… 3 of my chards look like when you take 2 paints and swirl them together kind of… i have never grown these nor seen any other than the red ones at store… red veins, green leaf. But a define red and green… or yellow and green… or orange and green.. why are the colors merging on mine???.. I thin I have fertilized them with about a <30% dilution of Neptune's Fish Fert… maybe that did something?.. i don't know
So informative but too much talking almost in every vdos.
Great video!
Complete guide? And you don’t start from seed… lol what?
Is there a specific type of sand you purchase to add into the compost? Do you have a recommended source for value?